• The Stand.
  • The Gunslinger - for sure!
  • Best book to scare the crap out of you, Gerald's Game. Best book book that's not scary, The Long Walk, which was a Bachman book. Roadwork is a close second.
  • I enjoyed all his books but I think Rose Madder was a very powerful book.
  • Tough call. I love the classic King novels, the shining, the stand, pet cemetary, desperation, rose madder, his collections of short stories are awesome. Creep Show was one of the first t.v shows of his that I watched. My most current favorite - is his book Cell. All time favorite: Rose Madder. To toot my own horn, My father went to school with him ( he was picked on alot), King wrote a story about my brother-in-law, using his real name. I also see him on a regular basis.
  • Tough call. I think "The Drawing of the Three" is pretty god damn amazing. Other excellent ones: The Shining The Dark Half ALL of the Bachman Books (especially Roadwork) and IT.

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