Sniffing gasoline comes to mind, but I wouldn't recommend it. It apparently fries brain cells. You could take too many tylenol with codine, that should give you a good buzz. But then you don't know how much is too much and you may overdose and end up in the hospital with your stomach pumped. OUCH! If I were you, I would stick to alcohol. But don't go over board it could also put you in the hospital with alcohol poisioning. Everything in moderation!
Depending upon where you live, Khat may be legal.
Nutmeg is legal in every state and almost every country and has no age limit. It gives you a sort of pot-alcohol-lsd experience. try two tablespoons or one nut first. then after a couple times try three tablespoons or two nuts. You can buy it in any grocery store. it usually takes about 4-10 hours to fully kick in. if you are using ground nutmeg (remember: the darker the color the more potent the nutmeg try to get the darkest) then put nutmeg in a mesuring glass dump some nutmeg in your mouth then swallow with water and repeat until all the nutmeg is gone. if you buy nuts then simply pop them in your mouth and eat them. if ground nutmeg doesn't work then simply up the dosage or switch to the nuts. you will feel stoned, drunk, you will feel very strong euphoria, and you will have mild to moderate hallucinations. It will last 26-72 hours. the side effects are nausea, drymouth, headache, vomiting, and mild constipation. If you want to read peoples nutmeg experiences then use this erowid experience link: Merry-a-trip to you my friend
smoking green tea will get you high
Paint stripper,glue...You sniff them.
There are many, many ways of getting high legally, although none of them are terribly enjoyable, non-hazardous to your health, or worthwhile. I recommend for good drug (legal and otherwise) information.
4-HO-DiPT Synthetic Psilocybin (Shrooms) DXM (But Is Basically As Addictive as Morphine, possibly Heroin, and frankly isint even half as fun as Codeine. And Much More dangerous and just plain dumb, smoke green take vicodin!) LSA (Hawaiian Baby Woodrose Seeds, Is a Deriative Of LSD basically is one tenth as potent as lsd not so much visual as mental, but still cool.) Poppy Seeds (is just your regualr seeds youd get at a store) These are the same EXACT seeds that produce raw opium. Have to take a few grams(in tea) havent tried personally yet, but is proven to contain morphine and codeine(just like opium!) but in trace amounts, hence the large dose. Would be more fun and safer to do than stupid DXM!! I by the way I am Very past experienced user, no junkie of DXM (over 1 year user at average doses of 700mg taken daily for a month straight once! Even Combined Alcohol, Sedatives, benzos, Tranqs, Speed(pills)and Ephedra, I am the king and should be dead, just do yourself and brain a favor and do weed or shrooms!!) SALVIA!! Not really a "party" drug though. More of a Meditational Herb. Will make you see into other dimensions/realities. Not nessesarily a "fun" or "good time" drug. Want that then smoke some weed, seriously! Sudefed (is literally pure adrenaline! take around 120mg and you'll see! If your a speed freak this is much safer than that and cheap, and best of all legal!! Though Nowadays Because of Meth prouduction You can only buy in limited quanties per visit (and in some states they Track your oders by demanding your id which is submitted to authorites!! So be smart here!) Kava, Valerian Root Wont make you trip but is good for feeling good and feeling restful.
go to amsterdam and smoke a doobie
thers stuff called salvia that you can buy from tobaco stores and theres different levels for instance if u want to feel really high then get a higher level cc but the lower levels will not afect u as much
Take your family or friends on a road trip.
After it rains, wait about 12 hours. Find a cow pasture at night when and find the shrooms growing out of the cow shyt. Twist them by the stem and pick them. For a good trip 1 person = about 10-20 mushrooms, for a lost of reality trip, about 30-50. either eat them whole or boil them in water for about 20 minutes and mix tea/koolaid/sugar for a tasteful drink. You will start to feel a excited feeling about 15 minutes after you take the shrooms. This feeling will last between 30 minutes to a hour. Once the feeling is gone you'll start thinking about anything and everything, and everything will start to make sense. Listen to music while tripping, certain notes in the music will tickle ur body and you will find urself laughing for no reason. it will open the part of ur mind that you havent used before. The trip will last from 4 - 8 hours... enjoy :)
robo-trip..just go to ur local grocery store or rite-aid, and buy urself some robotussin..if u take the liquid form, get the one just for has the most amount of dxm in it..depending on how intense u want the feeling to be, i suggest drinking between 3/4 - a full bottle (the smaller sized bottles)..if u decide to get the gel capsules instead, take between 14 and 20..ur high will commence in approximately 45 minutes-an hour. the high is similar to being really stoned, and really the same time. it lasts anywhere from 2-6 hours..side effects include slight headache and nausea before the high hits u, drowsiness, and loss of appetite that can last up to two days.. these are the facts..i have robo-tripped many a time and it is an awesome experience..i recommend to all;)..
Go for a bike ride, and make sure you choose a hilly route. That way, after you make the strenuous trek UP the hill, when you come down the "reward" of the descent will seem that much better. Seriously, it works. I would not recommend any of the "legal" substances anyone is suggesting. Getting high on ANY substance is dangerous. Enjoy your life, but cautiously.
Salvia. Which comes from the Sage family, I wouldn't recommend doing it, Its a short inteste trip, normally lasting 10-15 minutes, But believe me, you can get flashbacks. I would't do any drugs at all except for going to Amsterdam to a pot cafe and smoking a gagger. Don't do any of this prescription legal drugs stuff, my friends brother did that with Gravol and other things and he got severe brain damage from it. BE SAFE!
Try climbing a mountain. That will get you to a greater elevation and it will help you get into better shape physically.
i donno if this is true, haven't actually tried it myself but a friend told me. you take the skin off of peanuts (non roasted/tampered with in any way)and pack a bowl of the skin only and supposably if you smoke it you trip out some. :-
Excercize...and GOOD for you!
Monster beverages. I don't know what they put in it but it's no joke.
Nitrous Oxide... not the racing kind though.. thats deadly. It has plenty of risks though, including death if youre stupid/not carefull with it.
Watch an arty non-English movie without interruption in a dark room, then go outside and jump on a trampoline in the evening sun.
Climb Mt Everest.
dude i tried the whole nutmeg thing, i took like 4 tablespoons probably 10 hours ago i cannt really feel nothing, just dont take too much speed and tylenol i had two bad expiernces with takin to many pills endded up in the hospital and western psych
Climb a ladder. drink a six pack, jump off.
Find a True Love to Share your Life with, It is the Best High I have Ever Had.
Follow your dreams - thats a safe and legal high
Working out gives me a high. It's an amazing feeling.
Maximum Impact-vcr head cleaner- just spray a little on a rag,take 3 or 4 good whifs and prepare for liftoff!
don't even bother with that bullcrap of orange peels and toothpaste... it doesn't work
catnip... it never worked for me but my friends say it does... and if you're smokin pot you can give you friends the catnip and they'll think they're high when its just their mind playin tricks on 'em. save some greenies for yourself, but thats only if you greedy like me
You want the ultimate rush? take a big ol' blast of crack while trippin' on DXM or LSD, etc. Now that's crazy fun!
Morning Glory Seeds. But don't do the ones that are sold over the counter (like in seed packets) as these are required by law to be treated with a mild poison which will upset your stomach. First generation seeds are safe. Seeds from colorful morning glories (purple) are more potent than the blue (weaker) or white (weakest). Search online for more info.
Give blood. After you give blood it takes less to get you high or drunk. Save a life AND some money!
Never heard this. Aug. 13 2017
LSA is a chemical found in Hawaiian Baby Woodrose seeds. You can order them off the internet from Crush them up and eat about 12. They give you a light, giggely, mushroomy kind of high.
Well one other way to get high is really easy to do you just get a brown paper ag like the ones your mom put your lunch in when you were in 5th grade and spray spray paint in it then take a big wiff but it gives you nose bleeds if you do it too much and will possibly give you brain damage if you do it to much
My stepson has been in the hospital many times over using combinations of DXM, nitrous and crap the doctor gives him for seizures. The thing is the seizures are induced by the nitrous. Actually they are more of just passing out and hitting his head then trumping a story to cover up the drug use. It would be far safer to use cannabis and risk the legal repercussions than to use hippy crack or cough syrup, however, I know that most people are going to learn right from wrong only by doing wrong. A note to the wise, if you find midnight visits to the ER fun, then by all means do the legal high business. If you like quality high with no risk other than the threat of legal action, then cannabis is the way to go. As for alcohol, that's the worst poison you can get.
ummmmmm.... if you paint a cigarette with whiteout, and wait for it to dry before smoking it(unless it's the whiteout strips) you can get a pretty nice buzz.
asthma inhalers work proper well(iv tried it) brown ones. weed like high. read about them first though
Where I live we can legally smoke pot,and carry it is small quantity.If caught the ticket is equivalent to a parking ticket,not a criminal offense.People walk freely down the street smoking it.
Eat a teaspoon of straight nutmeg. Cheap hallucination-type high... so says my hubby ^_^
"Contact high is a phenomenon that sometimes occurs in people and animals who come into contact with someone who is under the influence of drugs. It involves a supposed transfer of the psychological state of highness. This is often attributed to things such as stale latent cannabis smoke and transcutaneous transfer of psychoactive chemicals. However, this may be better explained by the subconscious picking up on the user's "vibe" and sociological factors. In Alexander Shulgin's PiHKAL book under the 2C-I entry, a noteable reaction is observed in a participant who takes a 0mg (nothing) dose, existing in an environment with other people who are under its influence. Scissor Sisters had a B-side song by the same name. Retrieved from """
This one time I cleaned my appartment from top to bottom with a bottle of Pine Sol, the cleaning product. I swear that stuff made me high for hours!
Roll yourself a cat nip joint. Proceed to drink some fresh Chinese herbal tea. Healthy and relaxing. If you try DXM, go for the generic cough (*only cough) syrups. The syrup is thinner and you don't have to worry about the strange effects of capsules (Roboitch, etc.). Inhalants are short-lived. I love electric cleaner, but I must admit, it is incredibly stupid. Not worth it. I've never tried nutmeg...but from seems like an iffy hassle to me. The high is too drawn out and strange.
... take a trip to Amsterdam, have a lot of local currency cash on hand ... Laws vary world wide, go where it is not illegal.
nutmeg is the best legal way to get high although derek made a great suggestion of just eating it plain there is a faster and better way to get the most out of ur nutmeg just brew it when u brew it it works faster and it gives u a way better high heres how u do it u go to the store and buy whole nutmeg get a coffee grinder and grind about 6 whole nutmegs then get about about a cup of water and put it in a medium to small size sauce pan, then put the heat on simmer, and drop in the freshly ground nutmeg leave it in the pan for about an hour, but do not let the water boil after the hour strain the nutmeg tea u can eat the remains of the nutmeg if o choose but once strained drink the nutmeg tea and u must drink it warm u can add honey or sugar or watever u want to make it taste better this is the best way to use nutmeg -peace and love
Drink a bottle of Nyquil at night. You'll get high. You'll have some crazy, extremely vivid dreams too.
1st I'd like to tell all the stupid fucks to stop posting stupid things that say "climb mt. everest" "take you family on a trip" or "find a love" (to name a few) 2nd I love DXM. It's a good drug to romote view on. Litteraly you feel like you are dreaming. This also depends on the plateau you are on, but the lower ones are good also especially for a first timer. 3rd Someone told me that Benadryl contains diphenhyramine which is supposed to make you hallucinate. (people calling your name, phones ringing, walking through walls, ect.) I have yet to try it at a higher plateau that works but it sounds good! Keep in mind it will also make you VERY tired AND you will get a bad cotton mouth. HAVE FUN!
rubatussin. wow. that stuff is crazyy. and right before you do it. drink some vodka. that well mess you up. but afterwards. you'll feel like crap. like your hole stomach just exploded. when i did it. i thought i was seriouly gonna die. thats how awesome it is!
smoke oregeno. that will really fuck u up!!
Stand on a ladder.
In Canada, we have canabus day (same day as Canada Day) and there are areas designated that lots of people go to smoke weed. The cops will be around that area but dont arrest or do anything to the people within that area. I'm not sure if its because there are just so many people to enforce or if its just been accepted.
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