• All the time. mark of a Great teacher.
  • Yup. I taught my sister mastermind.
  • True, Greekgod, but it's sometimes mark of a great student... I've won multiple chess tournaments, so I thought I'd share the game. I taught my little brother to play chess when he was about 8, won a few games after that, but only a few...I never beat him again.
  • Hmm, I havent really taught anyone anything, not that I can think of anyway. I remember though, I was taught to play chess (showed what moved where) by a kid at school when we were about 10 years old. After about a 2 days, He couldn't beat me and he refused to play :( ...Then I moved schools and I never saw him again. He might be a chess master by now, but considering he had the worst case of ADHD I have ever seen in my life, and loved to swear at teachers and throw stuff around the classroom, I cant really imagine it to be honest.
  • Sure, it's usually how it works out : D
  • no but my fiance taught me to play poker-texas hold em and i beat him every tme, i also beat all his faimily and riends (i'm the only girl that plays as well) yeah! :D
  • Yes, I taught one of the cashiers at work to cut meat. He is now my meat dept. manager. He has people come from across the state to get one of his custom meat packs. The kid (man now) is amazing to watch.
  • yes,driving.
  • Yes, there is always one that will out shine you.

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