Not really. I usually answer it because it seems to stand out from all the crap questions I see throughout the day here.. & I'm always straight forward *Puff Pufff*
A couple of times probably. Yes!
No, I don't think so. Half the time I forget to even look who is asking until after I have answered.
Yeah, but it mostly depends on if the one asking has a tone...
Not at all, but my comments may be different.
I answer truthfully to all questions no matter who is asking.
Yes, because I may like other some more then others.
yes, i see a lot of the same "faces" around but i dont really know anyone very well here yet. BUT if I see its a kid just trying to find some answers then i'm nice and try not to be so harsh. Also if it is one of my besties, Mimi, then i would answer just in a way to make her laugh
No. I don't sell out my values to impress people.
Sometimes, yep.
No, but there are people that I avoid completely.
Nope my advice is based upon the question and not who the askedr is.
The factual information will be the same, but the tone of my answer can be quite different depending on whether I know the asker or not. Good question!!
No. My tone may vary based on the tone of the question though.
Yes, quite often. Most of the time when I answer a question, I'm trying to speak primarily to the person asking the question. There's all sorts of reasons for adjusting the answer to fit the questioner -- for example, if I can tell the person is a teen, they'll get a very different kind of "relationship solution" than if they sound like they're in their mid-40's with 3 divorces in their history. I'm a big fan of paying attention to the details of the current situation, rather than trying to apply a "one size fits all" approach. Each person is different, and the same question asked by two different people is often really two different questions. The more I know about who is asking, the more my answer can be tuned to be helpful to that person.
Personally, I give the same overall answer, but I may use different methods to gain a person's interest in the answer. However, considering the person's rapport with me, I may answer the question in a variation of tones also.
No, i answer what i think is the right thing no matter who is asking it.
If they're an opera fan,I'll belt the answer out.
yes, if I like and respect the person I will give them a kinder answer:)
Sometimes...but most of the time I just go around answering all different questions. :)
Not at all, I tell it how it is without showing favoritism. Speaking your mind in a bold manner is important. It expresses who you are.
Yes. If I know the person it helps to speak in terms they readily understand. If English is not their first language I might use simpler words. Or if they only have an 8th grade education or they are mentally slow I might speak to them differently. If we have a personal history I might refer to an inside joke or a personal reference we experienced together. If someone has gotten smart or 'snarky' with me I'm more liable to use their own snarky words or ugly phrases on them. If they asked the question in a way to invite debate I might engage them. I usually only defend my point, but will, on occasion, flip the script and actually defend a point in which I don't actually believe just for the sake of debate, or to throw them a bone.
not really
PUHlease :P
People have propositioned me sexually. The gender of the person is a huge factor in my response.
Linda Joy
Good point! And with some people you can never figure out WHAT gender they are!
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