Becasue the animals have yet to figure out how to use a keyboard.
Because we have the right to exist :0
Since this is under the Science category and should not be treated like a philosophical question --- humans are here to perpetuate the species.
To amuse God.
a cell-a frogg-a monkey-a human-a tombstone
We killed off everything that could kill us first. except germs of course and we're working on them all the time.
We are part of the programming for a gigantic computer that is calculating the question for the answer "43". Too bad the Vogons will destroy the planet before the program has a chance to finish...
To ruin the earth.
b/c we already destoyed our old planet.
We are here because God created us, with the purpose to inhabit, cultivate and take care of the earth forever (Genesis 2, Psalm 37:29). Although we, as imperfect humans, have not taken care of the earth and it’s inhabitants, God is so loving that He is giving us time to repent and be saved (2 Pet 3:9). Will you show appreciation for God’s patience and mercy by putting time and energy into learning about Him? (John 17:3)
you need to ask god that question, ive wondered that myself
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