Going places I used to visit with my girlfriend. She isn't here anymore and there are a lot of places on my property that remind me of her. Most of the time it is good to have these memories but at times it is so painful that I wish it would all burn down.
The fact I spend a lot of time alone in crowds.
Being 12 hours away from all my family and friends.
being around a lot of people im not comfortable with.. wierd uh? lol
I will tell you what is alone. My birthday is two days After Xmas..........I just turned 60.........I have NEVER had A birthdaY party. NEVER And what people do is combine your XmAs aNd Christmas together...........which should never never be.
old friends not returning my calls
when, every now and then, my ears become blocked with wax and I cannot hear properly. That and post-natal depression (which was a bugger to get past).
No other humans around.
Keeping secrets that can never be told. Yeah, that makes me feel pretty lonely.
Solitude and silence... I LOVE to be alone.
Lose someone you love
Nothing imparticular, just a constant feeling i have. Even when surroundeed by friends i can still feel alone, but its not bad its nice, im happy because i can accept my feelings but not let it get in the way of my life. Hope my answer helps!
being alone.. .not having someone to love on
Having nobody to love. :(
People. Ha ha, I should probably get some help.
Being a single parent and having a chronically ill child. It's hard not to have someone to turn to when all you want to do is cry.
Isolation of the heart. Not feeling warmth returned from others.
Solitude for one and most of all being a highly sensitive person makes me often feel alone
Living by myself. It's nice to have the freedom to do whatever I want, listen to whatever kind of music I want, watch whatever movies I want, etc. But in general, living alone sucks.
Having no friend or lover to share my life and time with.
I rarely feel that way :)
Feeling that no one's thinking of me...
liking a girl so much, and feeling that she doesnt feel the same way back
when you try to talk to some one and just get white noise back from them
Sometimes being with someone I no longer love
when he uses.
seeing everyone i know with someone they love.
what makes me feel alone is that my boyfriend is far from me.
when i feel that i still in love of my ex.. and i knew that we will never be togheter again (u).. 8 months has passed when she broke me out :'( but i love her β₯
when my boyfriends out fishing and im sitting in our empty house alone!
A cold bed and actually not having anyone to call.
Having very little social activity with those I care about such as my friends, husband, and family. It is also difficult when you have no one whom can relate to feelings you have of any kind.
When your in a romm filled with people,and you feel completely alone,sigh.
Being Home Alone, that's for sure. π±
When there is nobody there for me when I need help for certain personal things, that is when I feel alone. I also feel this way when nobody shows empathy and understanding because they are either a psychopath or sociopath. People who are busy in their head and on cloud nine do not show empathy and understanding. They are truly alone and miserable to be around with and a disappointment. I donβt want to end up like them and not stoop to their level. Although there are times I feel alone it depends on the situation or who I am surrounded by.
Being alone. I mean: really alone. I can't remember the last time I felt alone. It's a great feeling.
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