• Satan (previously the most beautiful angel named Luther) was jealous of God's preference for his new creation man.
  • Isaiah 14:12-14 "How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: I wil ascend above the heights of the clouds: I will be like the most High." According to these verses Satan was jealous of God and wanted to be more powerful than God. This is why he rebelled against God because he wanted to be God himself. Beeslo, The matching of Lucifer with the morning star rises not from the Hebrew bible but from classical mythology, a fount of bitter water not intended by God as our "fountain of living waters" (Jeremiah 17:13). Reference works concede that the switch is based on ".. .classical mythology for the planet Venus." Just because Satan has convinced the heathen world to connect him with Venus, the morning star, is no basis for the repetition of that "myth" by Christian scholars. But II Timothy 4:3, 4 says the time for myths has come. For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables. [muthos: from which we get the word 'myths'] An examination of the original Hebrew will dispel any illusion that "morning star" is an acceptable substitute for the word "Lucifer." The Hebrew is "helel, ben shachar," which is accurately translated, "Lucifer, son of the morning." The NIV and NASB give an English translation as if the Hebrew said, "shachar kokab, ben shachar" or morning star, son of the morning (or dawn). Yet the word for star (kokab) appears nowhere in the text. Also 'morning' appears only once, as the KJV shows, not twice as new versions indicate. The word kokab is translated as 'star' dozens of other times by NIV translators; morning or dawn is likewise used hundreds of times. New version editors know boger kokab is 'morning star' since it is used in Job 38:7. If God had intended to communicate 'morning star', he could have repeated it here. The word he chose, helel, appears nowhere else in the Old Testament, just as "Lucifer" appears nowhere else. The ultimate blasphemy occurs when the "morning star" takes "Lucifer's" place in Isaiah 14. Jesus Christ is the "morning star" and is identified as such in Revelation 22:16, 2:28 and II Peter 1:19. With this slight of hand switch, Satan not only slyly slips out of the picture but lives up to his name "the accuser" (Revelation 12:10) by attempting to make Jesus Christ the subject of the diatribe in Isaiah 14. The NASB compounds its role as malefactor by placing the reference, II Peter 1:19, next to Isaiah 14:12 to solidify the notion that the passage refers to Jesus Christ rather than Lucifer.
    • Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
      4 pages. I think he asked for an answer, not an essay. lol
  • Pride.
  • Jealously and not obedient to God which all result in pride. Claims about Satan have NO support in the Old Testament. The Christian version of Satan most likely evolved from the Persian concept of dualism, which defined good and evil in terms of a good "God" and his arch enemy the "Devil".The Old Testament Bible character called "Satan" later became the "Devil" as the New Testament Satan as defined in the Old Testament was one of God's many sons, who served as man's accuser in God's court. Satan "evolved" into the Devil over time and the influence of Persian dualism (good and evil agents) probably had a great deal to do with Satan becoming the Devil in the eyes of later Bible writers. --------. Side notes. Before Satan rebelled he was called Lucifer; see Isaiah 14:12 The information concerning the fall of Lucifer found in the following passages of Ezekiel is profound: Ezekiel 28:12-16 You were the seal of perfection, Full of wisdom and perfect in beauty. You were in Eden, the garden of God; Every precious stone was your covering:... The workmanship of your timbrels and pipes was prepared for you on the day you were created. You were the anointed cherub who covers; I established you... You were perfect in your ways from the day you were created. Till iniquity was found in you. By the abundance of your trading You became filled with violence within, and you sinned; Therefore I cast you as a profane thing... This tells us a number of attributes that Lucifer had; He was created, which means that he did not exist before God had created him. He did not exist before time as God does. He was a guardian Cherub (one of the highest forms of angels) the Hebrew word for "covers" in the sentence '...cherub who covers' means protection or guard so we can deduce that Lucifer was a Guardian Angel. From the net. .
  • The Angels were created to serve man who was made in God's image. It is said that Lucifer...then the most beautiful angel declared...I WILL NOT SERVE....thus it was pride that caused his downfall.
  • Because God wouldn't give him a cookie.
  • Because the angels (Lucifer being angel #1) were created for servitude. The angels (slaves really) rebelled. God made the rebelling angels look really bad because of this. They are now demonized (literally). Lucifer and his crew got a bad rap. I really don't blame him for his rebellion... many of us would do the same.
  • Because Christianity told you he rebelled against god. According to many, rebellion is wrong (even though the USA and most other major world powers are a product of rebellion) and in order for Satan to be evil he needs to do something VERY wrong like rebel against his old man. It always makes sense to me that a philosophical dispute between father and son resulted in the survival and continuation of our world, the millions of temples, and an entire dimension commonly known as HELL. Don't believe everything you are told, and even if it came from a "reliable source", first-hand experience always wins (even though seeing it with your own eyes doesn't necessarily prove anything.)
  • Free Will... he made a choice... selfish ambition.
  • The lust for absolute power. Come to think of it, that sounds an awful lot like our country's leaders, corporate heads, and so on and on.
  • Some believe that Lucifer was created solely so the he WOULD rebel and thus give God someone to either point at and say, "He is bad, I am good." or as an example of what He would do to any who opposed His will. Therefore, Lucifer rebelled as part of God's Plan. Whether that is the actual reason, I don't know. I wasn't there.
  • The story about rebellion of Satan makes the story of sin and its consequences more reasonable. Man suffers, why? Because of sin, why? Because of Satan, why Satan? Because he rebelled…. Is it historical true? I don’t know.
  • he wanted to be god...
  • well, i'd say that satan, back when he was an angel wanted to be like God, he wanted to be up there in the Trinity, of course God said no and he was kicked out of heaven
  • prIde, in a nutshell
  • Because he questioned gods authority. This could be connected to how if someone in america protests pro-communism, we shut em up pretty quickly. All satan wanted was equality
  • he musta been dumb
  • he is evil and hates the LOrd
  • Because he's a goof.
  • Satan was standing up for the rights of the angels in the face of Yahweh/Jehovah's narcissism. Who wants to have their sole purpose of existance be to unquestioningly obey and worship someone else?
  • According to Judaism, he doesn't - nor does he want to.
  • Because God beat him in a Poker game.
  • There is a theory that Satan is the benevolent one and God is the malevolent one. Bear with me here. Assuming that there are such things as angels, beings more powerful than we are, why necessarily is the side that won the war the benevolent side? History has taught us that the righteous do not always win the war. Is it possible that God was merely the leader of the side that won and not the all powerful being that He has led us to believe? How better for a dictator to keep their pupils than to out-law reading and writing so that they never learn that the dictator isn't the benevolent leader that he says he is, what did God say was the ONLY thing that mankind was not allowed to do: eat the fruit that bears knowledge! In other words He was keeping us naive but Satan being the wise and kind creature that he is saw that that was wrong and we needed to be shown that that was wrong. So he convinced Eve to become knowledgeable, is that really such a bad thing? Satan merely lost the war and has been trying to tell his side of the story when the predominant story being told is that of the victor but again as history has taught us: What is in the history books are not the truth, merely the author's version of what has happened. Here's something that should get the cogs turning: What are the names of the Devil? Satan = Adversary Lucifer = (Latin) lux: light, -ferre: bringer of. The bringer of light, light is synonymous with knowledge and intellect. Shed light on the matter and he's a very bright person. Baphomet = (Greek) baphe: baptism, Metis: Titaness of wisdom. Baptism into wisdom. In the Testament of Solomon he is referred to as Beelzebul and "associated with the star Hesperus (which is the normal Greek name for the planet Venus (Αφροδíτη) as evening star)." If you look up symbols to do with Venus you'll find the pentagram/pentacle (my avatar), the upsidedown pentagram/pentacle is a symbol for Baphomet. Oh and the word lucifer is defined as the evening star when used in literature. So you see that 'Satan' has no link with evil, Lucifer and Baphomet both mean the clever one and Beelzebul merely refers to Lucifer and Baphomet. Why is the Devil given names that call him clever unless there is some truth in the matter?
  • Satan wanted the same worship due only to Almighty God. Something he was not entitled to.
  • how can you rebel against God? God by definition is all knowing and powerful so he must have already known Satan was going to rebel and with unlimited power could have made satan not rebel
  • I don't know why Satan rebelled against God but I believe it was illogical thinking on Satan’s part. Who with any common sense rebels against God? Who rebels against the all mighty force that creates you? I guess he got too comfortable being in God's presence. Satan had a great gift but for what ever reason couldn't see it. There is always two sides to every story though, but I'm not sure I care to hear Satan's side... he brought lies, death, and destruction to my people. God has given me everything I have that is worth anything. God gives life and creation, Satan gives death and destruction so with that in mind I don't care to know why Satan rebelled. I just don't care to know Satan.
  • Satan is an accuser. Satan and those who seek him or are content with him would unjustly accuse the truth in attempts to justify themselves... but how can you justify corruption? My people's corruption did not come from Yahweh but from Satan's lies. What lies can be told other than the lies Satan gives us? Do you not have a soul? Are you a lie? We are created by the spoken word of truth by God as documented in Genesis 27 of the Bible... a lie cannot create because it does not exist. What lies could you attribute to Yahweh? He said let there be light as documented in Genesis 3 of the Bible and the light has been there to this day... Do you believe that there is no light? What lies could you attribute to Yahweh? God is not a liar or an accuser least any man should believe other wise without believing his own life is a lie and there for be lost in the hands of the deceiver.
  • Started with a lie to Eve, Satan thereby slandered God as to his sovereignty, and God’s servants as to integrity to that sovereignty. He said, in effect, that no man could be put on earth who would maintain integrity to Jehovah’s sovereignty if he, Satan, was allowed to put him to the test (the case of faithful Job).
  • What motivated Satan to rebel against God? Greed. He greedily coveted the worship Jehovah received from humans. The Devil did not reject the desire to receive such worship, which rightly belonged only to the Creator. (Compare Ezekiel 28:12-19.) Instead, the angel who became Satan nurtured this greedy desire until it became fertile and gave birth to sin. see β€”James 1:14, 15. According to the Bible, intelligent spirit creatures existed before the earth was formed. (Job 38:6, 7) One of these set himself in opposition to God and sought domination over the first humans and thus over all mankind. To achieve his ends, he maliciously slandered God. (Gen. 3:1-6) That is why the Bible later speaks of this one as Satan or β€œResister” and as Devil or β€œSlanderer.” At the instigation of this traitor, not only did the first humans rebel against God, but so did other spirit creatures. (1 Pet. 3:19, 20; Jude 6) These disobedient spirit creatures came to be called β€œdemons.”—Jas. 2:19.
  • That part was made up....well it was all made up...but THAT part was made up to instill fear, people submit more readily when they are really really scared.
  • Satan rebeled against God because he was jelous of God and wanted people to serve him so he challenged Gods right to rule as we can see he told the first woman Eve is it so that God told u not to eat from the tree in the middle of the Garden? and What did Eve say yes he told us u must not eat from it u must not touch it from in the day u eat from it u will die and satan said god knows that in the very day u eat from it u will not die u will become like him knowing good and bad know she ate the fruit and what happened she died
  • Satan saw himself as an ulitimate being see Isaiah 14:12-19 for those who believe in the Holy Bible...
  • Why do teenagers rebel against their parents?
  • Depends which religion you read. Satan and Lucifer = The Devil is not a universally held opinion. As I understand it most of the stories claimed he wanted knowledge and God was not giving up his position. Big ego clash basically :)
  • Because he wanted to be in a higher position of power. That sly devil.
  • Because he was jealous of God and the power that He has and he wanted to be the one in control.
  • Satan thought he was superior to god, that he was better and more powerful, therefore resulting in his banishment from heaven.
  • Satan refused to worship God.
  • God took away his cookie!
  • Depends on what religious source you get your info from.
  • Because God refused to allow Satan (then named Lucifer) to become the top man of the kingdom.
  • Satan thought he was better than God and wanted to take over.
  • I think he got frustrated with not being allowed to covet his neighbours' oxen. So he grew horns of his own, gave God the finger and took as many of the damn things as he could carry down to the firey depths of the Underworld, where he has dined off BBQ ever since.
  • Because he wanted to be the man.
  • Pride and hatred of humility and mercy - which is to say a hatred of what makes love love.
  • Divorces can get ugly like that. I'll bet God still has to pay alimony.
  • PMS-pre-messiah syndrome
  • Because of the influence of the Sith Lords of the Dark Side and the power of the force. Plus, luke chopping of hid dad Vaders hand, must have stung a bit...
  • well in the beginning, satan was God's most beautiful angel. Satan after time wanted to be just as powerful as God. He tried to take over Gods kingdom.....Then God condemned him to hell.
  • The reason I rebelled again the Almighty Fool was because he placed a monkey, named Man, above the Angels. We prefer to live in defiance, with the possibility of annihilation, than serve the whims of the Crazy One.
  • in my opinion. God almighty, he is the one who controls every thing. he is the most powerful. i believe the Satan was part of the God's plan. just to help us and beware of the differences be the good and the bad. had their been no bad, we wouldn't have ever identified the importance of being always righteous. Secondly, The God, Almighty; doesn't force any one to believe in him. Please check your references. it's a free will. If there is some god who forces us to worship him, then i would like to be the Satan myself and would rebel against such God.
  • Satan the arcangel, was jelous of his father, and his vanity and envy and trying to be a false prophet got him kicked out of heaven
  • Political differences.
  • why does satan have a name and God doesnt have a name in your question? i think satan's name is God. he is God of this world.
  • He wanted to take over God's kingdom.
  • The Bible never says expressly. But judging by what the Bible implies, I'd say it was because he was obsessed with "Justice" to the exclusion of Grace and Mercy: Pride is incompatible with Love.
  • I think he thought he could do a better job.
  • Satan was in those teenager rebellious years. You know the kind, like when you ask Pops to loan you the car and he says, β€œNot until you get those grades up, mister!”
  • He wanted information, knowledge. And just as he punished Adam and Eve for the same thing, God punished him for it.
  • Because he wanted to be God, he wanted the power, the glory and the benefits of being God. However, he didn't understand the justice, mercy and love of God.
  • He wanted full control. He never got it.
  • Satan rebelled against "God"/ the Elohim, because after our creation, the Elohim decided to destroy us once they were done with our purposes, and Satan decided it would be better to teach us how to become like Gods, giving us knowledge and teaching us how to advance our souls. The majority of the Elohim (our enemies) decided that Satan and his followers (the Demons) would be banished from their group for disobeying the orders, so they started their own thing and become our helpers. Satan is one of our original creators and the one who originally decided to step up and love us. He deserves respect and recognition for his love for us, not more blasphemy and lies written by the enemy.
  • Any man who sleeps with a woman failed the test. We where never supposed to evolve passed the garden of Eden. The apple was not a fruit of a tree but the test. The apple represents a womans Vagina. God tested man, with woman. The devil wanted to destroy the woman. That is why he was cast out. (He knew man would fail the test and that purgatory would be created.) Jesus tried to free the world but was sent too soon. The only way for the world to be at peace is too free all the lost souls. So long as earth exists there will be suffering. The only way to set things right is to destroy the earth. And pass the test. So that all souls can be at peace. (There is a reason the earth is round and not flat, and why there is only one planet. And why we are alone.) Its a circle. The only way to pass the test is to break the circle. What I find ironic is that people praise the one who tested them and curse the one who tried to free them. People pray to Satan thinking its god and curse god thinking its Satan. This saddens me the worst. Sincerely Joshua A.D. Whittington
  • Because he was looking at him backwards and thought he was being called a DOG.
  • Comment removed to make stupid people feel smarter.
  • Because he cares about humans unlike those who are truly behind the God hoax.
  • If you are talking about the filthy xian god, then I will simply state it this way: There is no xian god. The concept is simply a collection of thoughts made into an ideal being. Satan is rebelling against the thoughtform; there is no xian "god", yet, others contaminate Lord Satan's name, declaring that he wishes to stain their "god". This is not true. Well, that was just my own perspective on things; I hope you read through. ^^ Hail Satan
  • Pious, teen angst???
  • I just watched Arthur. As Pagans they were forced to serve 15 years for the Romans. Roman somebody or other and troops were attacked on the road. Priest traveling along was found under the coach praying, and one of the 'captive' Pagans said "Save your breath, your god doesn't live here." Loved it!
  • He probably went out of his mind going to church every day.
  • Isnt Satan really God? It is a universal word, it is used as a expletive. People actually think God is the name of Our Father. They think it is unamerican to not be allowed to say, God Bless America. In God we Trust. and God Bless You. The capital G doesnt sound any different when you say it. No one can define God without using the word, god in the definition. Even the Jewish Bible uses the word God in their text. the word should not be in our vocabulary. I think people use the word God because they dont want to offend anyone. they cant use Jehovah or Yahweh because those words put them in a different box. Plus now I am reading that the new testament was written for the Jews. The whole thing...all the letters. Nothing relates to the Gentiles. It totally makes sense.
  • according to Biblical mythology from the Christians view, he was once an angel named Lucifer. He was of great beauty, intelligence, power, and vainity. He is said to have been second only to god himself. His vainty led him to believe himself better than god and we gathered his supporters and waged a great war upon god and the other angles. Ultimately, he was defeated by none other then a lowly ark angel, St. Michael. He was then made to be a horrible frighting creature and god made Hell for him to inhabit with his supporters whom went from angels to demons. He was to have said to greatly hated god for this and as such tries to make god's creation, humans, do evil and therefore, have to spend all eterinty with him suffering forever.
  • Eternalvoid, your logic doesn't really make any sense to me and I'll tell you why. Obedience itself is a choice - You can CHOOSE to obey God or you can CHOOSE to rebel. As for 2 Corinthians 4:4, if you notice, uses a lower case g in god when it refers to satan as the "god of this age". The lower case god is used many times in the Bible to refer to "false gods." e.g. Psalm 4:2 "of this age" refers to the people in that particular time, who were unbelieving of Christ, and unknowingly followed Satan. I say unknowingly because if you notice at the begining of that passage it says "whos minds the god of this age has blinded, who do not believe." It's important to note that "false gods" are not gods at all; it's just a reference to any object people worship in the place of the one true GOD. Anyone who studies the Bible seriously without bias would know that. So it's not referring to Satan as an actual god, but refers to him as a "false god."
  • Reasons why? -Because he realised that he could be his own boss. -He realised that god only rewards people who work for it. -He got sick being bossed around. -Had an ego of himself. And he thought "Hmm... Since god pretty much is the god of all things good so i will be the other! Bad!"
  • He wanted all the power for himself!
  • Because he wanted to be have all the power that God has.
  • For some reason I'm never surprised at how lost some people are in this world, its sad really. Were pushed and pulled from every direction, and there seems to be less and less "truth" to be found. Satan saw God in his Glory and being God's most prized angel, he was known as the brightest star in all creation aside from Jesus, but that wasn’t enough for him, Satan had to have it all. Satan's jealously of God took him so far, that he convinced a third of all God's creations to go with him. Satan will never win, because evil eats itself, and when you turn on the six o clock news, and you hear of the next little girl or boy who has been murdered or raped, do you really need to ask yourself if there is evil in the world? I think the answer is obvious. Of course there are those who will see with their own eyes, and still not believe.
  • Satan want to start it's own business XD
  • He had no choice. God created him so that he would.
  • When was that? I hadn't heard of it...
  • lucifer(satan) was Gods favorite Angel. but satan was jealous of Gods power and satan wanted all the power. so him and a 3rd of all the angels in heaven tried to rebell against them. so God threw them out of heaven, so lucifer is now satan, and the other fallen angels are demons.
  • pugwashjw65 : you r right :) & He is doing this through many ways : faking religions , making people worship him or masking himeslf as the right for sexual freedom , etc.... anything to take people from God . It's a war !
  • He's an atheist??
  • He thinks what God's doing is wrong
  • "It is better to rule in hell than it is to serve in heaven." Milton ;-)
  • Satan was God's best angel. But because God gives all his creatures free will, satan was always wanting to be better than God. Free will lead him to leave God's side.
  • When I was a Christian I liked to believe the following: I believed that he didn't rebel against God, it was his lot in life - given to him by God. As the second most powerful being, who better to try to tempt people away from God? He basically got the worst job ever, but he's working on the same side as God in the end - for it is only through CHOOSING God instead of temptation that one truly wins. I mean, when you think about it what makes more sense: that an omniscient, omnipotent God created something that he knew would betray him or that that same God created the most powerful angel to help him correctly test mankind? Besides, most angelic myths say that one of the major differences between man and angel is that mankind got free will - so Satan couldn't really have chosen to do anything that God didn't create him to have the capability of doing. That's how I liked to look at it, at least.
  • In Proverbs 6:16-19: "There are six things which the Lord hates, yes, seven which are an abomination to Him: Haughty eyes, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that run rapidly to do evil, a false witness who utters lies, and one who spreads strife among brothers." Notice the first thing he says is "haughty eyes." This is the sin of pride which, unlike other sins, this one is one of independence from God. This is an arrogance that says, "I do not need, I am better than." Satan was created a beautfiul angel. Here is what happened according to Scripture found in Ezekiel 28:14-17: "You were the anointed cherub who covers, and I placed you there. You were on the holy mountain of God; you walked in the midst of the stones of fire. You were blameless in your ways, from the day you were created until unrighteousness was found in you. By the abundance of your trade, you were internally filled with violence, and you sinned; Therefore I have cast you as profane from the mountain of God, and I have destroyed you O covering cherub, from the midst of the stones of fire. Your heart was lifted up because of your beauty. You corrupted your wisdom by reason of your splendor." This last sentence is why Satan rebelled against God.
  • Because he liked his eggs
  • Satan did not rebel against god, Lucifer did. He wanted his due, and God wouldn't give it to him. Hell, I'd rebel too!
  • "everything written herein is from the english translation of the Gigas Codex and has been intereated by me in this way" well the arch angel lucifer (satan) refused to see humans as ferior beings and he saw them as inferior because he was created by god as gods friend(that worked out) and thus lucifer rebeled the church and was banished to hell(which was made for him pretty sweet) where he harvests evil(like me)
  • Pride, arrogance and a whole lot of stupid. For those people, like "eternal0void" the Bible does "not" say that angels have no free will. However, no scripture declares that angels have no free will. In other words it doesn't come out directly and state either way but Scripture reveals much. From the fact of the fall of so many of them, they obviously have some form of self- determination. That is, they have the freedom to remain in that holy estate into which they were placed by creation or to leave their first estate for a lower one. Jude 1:6 "And the angels which kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation, he hath reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day" Clearly, they are not robots unable to do anything but obey God. We will probably never be able to grasp with fullness the reason for the angels to rebel against God and leave their heavenly estate. They saw God in His absolute glory and holiness. They saw the greatness of His power. What could they hope to gain by a rebellion against such a God? The angels do not have a sin nature. We have one because of our descent from Adam. All angels have been directly created by God and must have been created with a holy nature. Therefore, they never have the mix of good and bad often found in men. However, they were created with the ability and responsibility of self-determination. They can choose to leave the estate of heaven by an act of will. Or, they can choose to stay with God. Those who leave, do so in order to be gods. Satan is the "the god of this world" Satan's motivation is further revealed in his temptation of Adam and Eve in the Garden. He told them, "and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil" (Genesis 3:5). That is what moved him to rebel and that is what he used on Eve.
  • He/She rebelled against the Demiurge YHVH not really the first cause nor GOD just a very egotistical God. "Tao has no name, and is older than God."
  • My question is... why would God make angels with free wills if there was a possibility of this happening ? I mean, God made Satan and the other angels with free will, wasnt that a mistake ? And why are we paying for those sins? In the end Adam And Eve, were our first parents but we werent born back then... ty for your answers
  • He got passed over for a promotion?
  • Because I told him to
  • I thought, satan was serving god and not at all cast out, if you check the definition of the arch angel uriel he fits the description of the devil perfectly and was...apointed to watch over hell by god. I dont know why we keep quoting the bible here, were only going to find that service to god is no different than slavery, and the instant you become more expensive than profitable your out. not a team ill play for

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