Science β†’ Mathematics β†’ Geometry
  • 1-9 sum 12 378 diff 921, 912 831, 822, 813 741, 732, 722, 714 651, 642, 633, 624, 615 561, 552, 543, 534, 525, 516 471, 462, 453, 444, 435, 426, 417 381, 372, 363, 354, 345, 336, 327, 318 291, 282, 273, 264, 255, 246, 237, 228, 219 192, 183, 174, 165, 156, 147, 138, 129 Using the proc. of elimination, this problem should only take 5-10 mins. I would rather teach a man to fish than to give the fish...but if you are truely repelled by math problems, I can sometimes relate. One of the racers may be wearing 9-1-2 as their 3-digit number. That being said, finding the other is just a matter of (-)378. There may be more than one answer...I didn't check.

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