• NO!. . . . . . because their DEAD!
  • When we sleep, our souls float out of our bodies, and this is when we, sometimes, get to come across some of our dead relatives and friends and see them as "dreams". But for the dead to send a message back to us, the living, I do not know.
  • Lord I hope not! Once my Mother passes, she will be telling my BF embarrassing childhood stories from the beyond :) She LOVES to tell those stories every time I bring a new BF home.
  • Yes i believe that.
  • I think so - I have often dreamt of people gone who speak to me and leave a message.. maybe its coincidence or paranoia.. but I do think so
  • Yes, look and listen, usually after death, your phone or tv will have static also lights flicker..Get the book by Vince Van Pragh, Ghosts amoung us..
  • Absolutely they can. I have had sufficient proof for me to believe 100% that it can be done.
  • I dont think so. Maybe thru ouija or something.
  • Uh no.
  • i would if i saw proof. im a little skeptical,
  • They won't have time because when they move on to the next realm it all happens instantanously, and then they are all standing together because they've passed as well!
  • Yes ... but the real question is : do we ever listen and reply ? :-)
  • I used to be skeptical, and I still kind of am, but my husband's grandfather, John, who I was really close to, passed away 5 months before my son's birth. My son, who is now 2, refers to PawPaw (what everyone called John) constantly. His model cars, his room at his house, his tools in the garage... It is a little unnerving. We have not spoken to him all that much about John, (it is so painful) and our son is only 2. Also, John raced pigeons. He was always racing them or practicing them at his coop in the backyard. When he passed, several pigeons came and hung out on the roof. (All of his pigeons were given to his son out-of-state.) They are still there and it has been nearly 3 years since he passed. These things could be coincidence, and I could just really WANT them to be true, but, nevertheless, they give me comfort. I miss him so much.
  • I don't know the answer to that. What I do know is that a few months after my Dad passed away, I had a wonderful dream about him..I walked into a bedroom, the windows were open, white curtains were gently moving in the breeze..he was on the bed, sitting had a white bedspread..he turned toward me and smiled the most peaceful, beautiful smile! It comforted me a great deal. I felt it was his way of letting me know he was o.k. wherever he was. That's how I interpreted it, because I chose to do so. That's all I know for sure! :)
  • No, I do not but a lot of questionable people will be glad to make it happen for a fee.
  • Yes, I do think there are signs. I do not believe in coincidence.
  • Yes in fact I can see spirits from time to time. I am totally certain that the dead can and do contact us.
  • Yes...clouds always seem to have something to do with i love looking at the clouds =]
  • I do believe so...
  • This is a true story. When my grandma died my grandpa didn't understand why she left the way she did. She was sick and the day she died the nurse came by and said everything was okay. My grandpa left to get her meds when she passed. He couldn't understand why she left when he wasn't home. Okay a few weeks later he needed some kinda of paper for the house, insurance, etc. In that pile of papers was a letter from my grandma explaining why she left the way she did.
  • No. Not unless they left a suicide note!
  • I believe that dead people want only one thing from living people that WE PRAY FOR THEM, if they've been punished for the sins they can contact us somehow usually dreams and we should only pray to God to have mercy for they souls, because they can't pray for themselfs.That's the only thing we should do if we're came in touch with them.

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