I'm not sure I understand the question! Obviously one is longer than the other! If you're asking why piercers use a longer bar rather than the short one it's to allow room for the most likely swelling of the tongue that will occur after the pierce.
I have my tongue pierced 3 times. When you first get it pierced, they will put a long bar in to allow room for swelling. When the swelling goes down, you my return to the shop and they will replace it with a shorter bar that appropriatly fits your size tongue. They do this for free in most shops.
yeah i agree with anonymous, the bigger bar is to allow for the swelling, a shorter bar is much more comfortable,can i suggest plastic screw balls to stop the enamel on your teeth wearing away
Linda Joy
And dice may look cute, but they will hurt the roof of your mouth.
it varies depending on the thickness of your tongue.
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