Hell no! I would never respond to freaky emails like those!
i agree with the troll, i would never respond to an email like that. i would simply erase it and if the person persists then blocking would be the next step.
By ignoring them, blocking them and calling the police if they should find another way in. There are some very sick people out there, and I would not begin any type of dialog with them. If you were underage, I'd advise you to tell your parents immediately.
Check to see if your e mail program has a filter to block individuals from sending e mails if so might I suggest you use it then the problem is solved. I just ignore idiots like that myself and if they become an issue I block them.
no i don't like that anonymous stuff.
No, Id flat ignore them.
I would tell them I'm a 62 year old man 5' 6" 285 pounds a large goiter on my neck, siriasis over 75% of my bodey and a treac ring.
No. I would block them. That is creepy.
I wouldn't even open it to begin with. I never open emails from people/organizations I don't know. I'd mark it as spam and be done with it.
No but they'd be blocked before they had a chance to do it continuously :)
I get this daily, I just ignore the emails, consider them spam as offensive and delete them.
The first thing I'd do is reply to their e-mail asking who they are and how they know you. It may be a legitimate wrong email addy. It's happened to me a few times (not asking for intimate details, though, lol). If it's the wrong person, that should stop the emails. If they respond with a secret admirer sort of thing or continue to email such requests, I'd block them and forget about it. I can see where you might be tempted to be cute or a smartass, but you never know who you're really dealing with.
Never answer these stuff. Either it's spam or some creep...
I wouldn't give that email the time of day and promptly mark it as spam.
Email blacklist are an easy solution. I've only done it to a couple friends who send material I've asked them not to. but it works.
not in a million years that is creepy and nasty.
i would say I am sorry but I do not give out such information over the internet, email me your home address and I will send you a letter via snail mail. Then if they sent it, I would then turn their sorry butts over to the police.
by certain intimate details it sounds like you mean someone is being perverted. block them theyre probably some fat guy living in his moms basement
I'd say "WTF? Leave me alone dirty old man!" and block them. That would be too weird to put up with more than once - once is too much!
would you? if so, why don't you start talking. non of us will ever see you. and, despite being a grown man, i do have some questions.
It is never a good idea to give personal information anyway. However someone wanting you to decribe intimate deatails about anyone must have a problem. I would just tell them this is not the right way to ask people questions and it makes that someone sound kind of scarey. In today society we have to be careful who we talk to and even the internet people will do what ever it takes to decieve you. Be careful all ages this day and time. It would sure make me think twice that this person may not be to nice.
respond with an ip trace, find who they were, hire a detective and SUE THERE ASS
i would "Spam Smack-It"
That someone is another name for "predator." Don't do it. Leave those conversations for someone you like and know - if that's the case.
I would block their emails. Very simple.
I would mark all their emails as spam, block mail sent from their address, save the emails as evidence, and report them to the police.
It depends on what they were asking. I would probably come up with some smart ass response though.
no i would block them. get a life.
No delete them, before you do, report them!!!!!!
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