• It all really depends on what one's goals are. If someone's goal is to have a lot of money and, they achieve that, then, I think they are successful.
  • It depends on one's definition of success. There are many ways to define it and each person's definition may differ. I don't define success by how much money I have in my bank account but others may.
  • Nope. :)
  • It does not equate to itself on its own no. It can be a factor.
  • Lots of money without lots of debt "should" mean you are financially successful.
  • Personally, honestly and frankly, yes. Not everyone can be a Gandhi.
  • Do I think so, no. Would I like to have money to make my successes better YES! So what would your definition of successful be?
  • Yes, money usually equals success.
  • If you're talking about financially successful, then yes, if you actually earned it yourself.
  • to me, having money means I can pay my bills...which I just do and have little left afterwards....
  • There are many things that money can not buy. For example, one will not be successful to obtain affection using money. Human relations are more valuable to me than money. We eat to live. We do not live to eat. In the same way, we need money to get along. We should not live for money.
  • Yes. Social status, money, good job, being important. It is success. In this world money is the easiest way to believe in success. But... Success does not always mean happiness. And those who agree with me will have to find some other form of success, along with money. Isn't it? :)
  • no, i think money is empty and can be meaningless if we aren't really doing something good in our lives. our society has seemed to lose sight of what is truly important in life, which is health and connecting with others. personally i am interested in doing a program called "teachers without boundaries". many people can't believe it because i would be taking a pay cut. but its well worth it, i would feel as though i were truly realizing my goal in becoming a successful teacher and more importantly human being.
  • Money helps, but I think being a successful person entails your character and good will as well. There are a lot of absolutely ruthless people that are rich.
  • If you have a lot of money it means you just got lucky with the choice of a job, investments, lottery or inheritance. In no way does it mean you have any respect, morals, dignity or even brains. Then there is someone like Blank Savage, he was looking for charities to give his money to when he knew he was sick. Sadly, he couldn't buy himself another day on earth and his money could not return his deceased child to him.
  • No, having a lot of money does not mean you are successful.It just means you have strong financial support. Success comes from within. =)
  • Not at all. It means you can get money. It doesn't mean you have a happy family life. It doesn't mean you feel good about yourself and satisfied. It doesn't mean you are a good respectable person. You could have money and be suicidal, lonely, unfulfilled, lost.
  • There is no one definition of success. To some people, it means whomever dies with the most toys, wins. Success is when someone is happy. Diferent things make diferent people happy.
  • No success is when you have succeeded something that you have been planning to, money isn't success
  • money has nothing to do with success, so no
  • Not necessarily, no. But then success is defined by each individual. If you consider success money and happiness, then they are successful. It's all a matter of how you see it. Personally it's PART of success, but I consider happiness to be part of that. And happiness is kindof vague because you can be happy by being stable, by having family, a good job, friends, children. Any and all of those things can make up happiness and so one could consider that successful.
  • For me Sucess is the goals in anyones life that we wanted to acheive and have done or still doing and acheiving.Money is important to survive without it you can not eat or have a roof over your head or anything you need not just wants but needs.But you can be wealthy and be unsuccessful at love or relationships family health or other thing in there life.Sucess to me is haveing talents and money to cover your basic needs and love friendships relationships a good personality empathy understanding being smart intelegent.
  • Not necessarily.
  • i dont think so either
  • 9-9-2017 It depends on what your goal was. I once knew a fellow whose goal was to be a million dollars in debt.
  • i dont think so either
  • i dont either
  • i dont either
  • i dont think so either

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