• Your house is haunted or your child is possessed.
  • It could be his invisible friend, is this smaill black figure friendly, or less than freindly?
  • That your child wants to Sleep in your room Have you keep him company Stay up and watch t.v. Or Has a vivid imagination
  • I've heard that angels sometimes appear as black figures.
  • He wants to stay up and play video games/watch TV.
  • He has a Snake Eyes! That's worth money now :)
  • he has a vivid imagination or he has seen a movie that is scary or he wants more attention than what he is already getting. it could possibly be a real human figure that has somehow got into your house and into his room. i would go with the top answers.
  • Shadow? Probably.
  • He's imagining things again due to his overactive imagination since he can't go to sleep yet.
  • It could be a shadow person. They're pretty common, actually. Here's some information:
  • It could be that he is upset, or worried about something that he doesn't really understand. A real worry can be too huge for a childs mind to deal with, so sometimes they appear as creatures: a little black creature at the foot of the bed.
  • "oh nothing Marge just a little case of the BOOGIE MAN!!!"
  • When I was younger ....I saw 2 black shadow figures, it scared the hell out of me, and no I wasnt imagining it . lol
  • He has been visited by aliens who want to take him back to their planet to analyse.........Only joking!
  • the child may not be lying.some things are true wether you believe it or not.has this child ever complained about such things before?
  • Maybe some ninjas have come to visit?
  • this means that a bully will beat him up in a future . i thinh so dont be so sure
  • he/ she was probably half asleep.. means nothing.
  • ask him where did he see the shadow, and what does it do?, where does it go?. one night without saying anything to him, stay in his room to see if the shadow appears even if it is till 5am. some activities happen between midnight and 4am, but some activities happen during the day. If you haven't seen anything, that doesn't mean it is your son's imagination. believe what your son says and investagate yourself to see what is the cause. I had experiences ever since i was 9years old with ghosts. i wouldn't see them and felt their presents physically or sensing/smelling. 2 years ago i had seen so many shadows scuttling across the floor that i dubbed the kitchen 'ghost central', my daughter was home alone one night while my husband was out of town and i was working. she saw a figure shadow of a man standing in the doorway to the our bedroom(me and my husbands) leaning ,it scared her that she ran into her room and locked the door. i had a ghost disturb my sleep by pawing my shoulder(like a dog paws the ground), he didn't harm me at all.i would find this ghost would follow me from time to time, so, i finally talked him into going into the light and Jeasus is waiting for him to come home. the next day the appartment felt peaceful and light and i knew he crossed over. some ghost would be resistant and agitated others would cross over. the appartment we live in is an old conch house that is 210 years old, my daughter's room was built recently, and ghosts only stay in the older parts of the home, that is why my daughter felt safe. no, i am not a medium or psychic,i am just an average person living an average life and working hard to survive.
  • i think you kid propbably is being visited by a family member mabey that just pasted away or mabey pasted away bofore he was born and was just checking up on things and possibly evan protecting him and your whole family
  • ghosts but i know i have a certain thing associated with ADD inattentive that i see things and people move around when they never do. Yes that means my mind creates some freaky shit and scares the hell out of me. Ive had something similar happen before. Not gonna discredit you but you have to think of all of the possibles.
  • It's probably just Gary Coleman. Don't worry.
  • I means your kid is creative and has an imagination. Find some creative outlet for him.
  • It might not be a ghost, there are other supernatural beings out there, some pretend to be something else like a ghost to make you feel like scared. But the pretence doesn't last for long.
  • Hi i live in a Haunted House and i beleive it is a evil spirit, we have had the same thing here at my house,you must do a cleaning and remove all things that are of Satans realm,for example Harry potter,books and any thing that is related to witchcraft,bad movies,rock tapes,etc......
  • It would depend on a lot of factors both spiritually and physiologically. Shadow Huantings are the most difficult to investigate. I to had expeirences with dark figures, watch for small signs such as thumping in the walls, scratching sounds, disembodied voices, and the biggest of all a rotten stench or sulfiric smell if you are worried it may be evil
  • Webster is sneaking around :p
  • i was plagued by dreams of a black clad figure when i was young(picture the grim reaper sans the bones),i say dreams but 90% of the time it felt as if i was awake and that the dreams were reality.i had this dream or whatever for years and years 10 to 15 yrs as i grew older i stopped but wanted to express the fact that this never felt like a benevolent creature it felt very Evil and i could feel its presences even when i was awake.
  • Just a shadow, nothing to worry.
  • He is probably experiencing a waking dream. This is a known psychological phenomenon where your body is still asleep, but your mind has partially awakened. Usually a person will experience paralysis (because your body is mostly paralyzed while you sleep so that you don't act out your dreams), and very often it is accompanied by the feeling of an evil presence. They are quite terrifying. I've had a few myself. It is also possible that he may just have an active imagination. Or possibly a stalker. Lock your windows.
  • It could be an angel or a spirit or a ghost or your child's imagination. None of the above things will hurt your child. You might want to give him a flashlight to shine on anything that scares him. If you believe in God or some other type of supreme being you can tell your son that God is protecting him and will not let anything harm him. You might want to limit any scary tv shows, movies, or books. Young children do not always understand the difference between real and imaginary. Encourage him to stay in his own bedroom and if he seems truly traumatized then you may want to speak to his peditrician for any suggestions.
  • It is your kids shadow more then likley.
  • it doesn't mean anything right off shadow huantings are very difficult to investigate because by nature most assume that it is evil. Evil spirits are interesting because they can take whatever form they require to accomplish their purpose. When demons manifest it has been my experience throuh research that they usually appear in a dark semi-formless mass either in corners in the top or botttom and in doorways motionless. interestingly enough they appear many times at the 3 am hour it is a way for them to mock the Holy trinity. they are accompinied by decaying stenches, knocking sounds usually in three's and disembodied voices and growling sounds. Just keep a watch on behavior and try and notice any of the signs above. Also try and find out the history of the home that culd answer a lot for you. I am a Paranormal researcher and I hope I have answered you effeciently. Remember children are more sensitive than most adults listen to what he has to say and if you need to contact a research group or a member of the ministry
  • Oh darn he can see ghost?
  • My kids have "The Grey Man" who wanders back and forth between their rooms. They tell me he is friendly and they aren't scared by him anymore.
  • i am 25 and see simaliar things and it terrifies me to death...but mine is apon awaking and i have sleep is very real and very your child falling asleep or just waking when it happens and unable to move or talk? you should look into it!
  • Ask him what it looks like.It might be real.
  • It means an active imagination. Read to him about friendly things like pixies and brownies and try to get him to see this imaginary creature as a good force that is looking out for him.
  • its evil' have the house blessed ' not kidding.
  • Spend the night in the location to find out how legit the child's story is. You may have a demonic presence. To test this theory. Place any religous item (bible, cross, rosary)in the room, near the sighting. If the item is thrown to another location or turned then you have a demonic entity.
  • Either, 1) an over active imagination, or 2) Your child is very sensative to the spirit world(supernatural) and saw somthing. You probably shouldn't be worried, unless it starts causing harm.
  • Run, run RUN as fast as you can.... Can't catch me, I'm the GINGERBREAD MAN!
  • it means your kid should stop having beer and hot dogs before bed ;)
  • Maybe she's dreaming.
  • Spirits often materialize as black shadows. Some believe that children are naturally psychic and so the dead are drawn to them. Others feel it is just a child's imagination that causes these things. If that is so, it will fade in time. No need to be worried.
  • i would say, his invisible friend wants to be visible.
  • I would say that your house is haunted. Ghosts usually are seen more by children than adults. Ghosta usually watch over children but.... the fact that they are black shoadows kinda scares me a little. Poltergeists usually appear in human form. I could be wrong about that one though.
  • Stay in his room with him, if you see it, than try seeing if it's a shadow or a ghost, if its not a shadow alert somebody who can help, but not that night, in the morning.
  • that there is a small black toy in the room that he was watching tv and it was on tv that he imagined it that his brother was in the room wearing black that he was dreaming
  • Your child is seeing a Gost it is not posible for it to be of the holy spirit. I would teach him to have faith and tell him to ask the holy spirit to make the anything he may see go away.
  • Someone bought him a batman toy? Seriously, kids imagine all sorts of things - even if it turns out to be a 'real' thing - it'll be 'real', not some ghost/alien/demon/angel/whatever...
  • You're lawn jockey is on the loose?
  • Maybe it's Michael Jackson.
  • First off, believe you child! Even if it is just his imagination it's real to him! And speaking from experience, it scares the hell out of you. Imagine being terrified to close your eyes at night, it isn't a good way to live. My daughter when she was about five started talking about the 'scary thing in her closet.' What I did was make a ritual where everynight we would open up the closet and spray Lysol in it. We called it 'Ghost Away'. One spray and the ghosts couldn't stand the nice smell and they left. Worked wonders. ;-) Good luck!
  • Children -can- have active imaginations, so don't assume your child has seen some sort of supernatural phenomena - but don't write it off, either. One of the biggest mistakes people make is writing children off as silly, stupid, or having overactive imaginations. Children are more sensitive to supernatural phenomena. Sometimes I think the accusation of "overactive imagination" is the adult way to cope and deny that the supernatural exists.
  • The veil to what we all call the "Other side" is much more thin for children.. There cute little spirits haven't been here in Human/physical form for as long, so the reasoning functions are not as developed. Us Big Kids...(Adults) have reasoned away the idea that spirits or ghosts exist.. Children can not only see, hear and feel spirits nearby, but they can communicate very easily with them.. Because That world is still much more real to them then this silly human world.. Does this make sense? Ask your child to describe what he/she sees, hears or feels... And just remind them that who they are seeing are not there to hurt them.. That they just want us to know they are there.. then just take a moment to stand in that area and tell the spirit that no negative energy is welcome in your home. I wouldn't worry...
  • i would make shore it is not shadow and i would try to get a picher of it do not talk to it do not try to speak to it stay comm and what time dose this thing show up if it is the same time cheap a log and take photos then you after that call some one and show them the log you keep with time's and dates it will help them and you
  • it means you should listen to him and pay close attention as to rather or not this "small black figure" is causing any physical harm - is he/she afraid of it? or comforted by it? also it means you should trust your feelings...are you afraid of it? if anything makes you feel uncomfortable, i'd suggest finding a reputable paranormal investigative group to come in and check the place out - there are many good and honest groups out there that do not charge a fee for their services...and that will try to help you. also, they may know someone that can do a cleansing if need be.
  • It means your child is seeing ghosts alot of kids see ghost more than adults because they beleave in them more if it is a little black figure maybe a little kid died in that house
  • Ask him about it see what he says, tell him if it makes him really uncomfortable that you will help him deal with it. Give him confidence not to be afraid because if its harmless it will leave him alone but if its not he wont be frightened of it which will in result protects your child from it. It could simply be a apparition/ghost just wandering children see them when they are very young. But if it ever gets aggressive you should try talking to a spiritual person with knowledge of parapsychology. If you need any help don't hesitate to write me ill help you find sources if anything should go south. :)namaste
  • It could be anything. Usually small children imagine such images because of something they are told about which scares them. For example, when I was a small child my Dad told me about Vampires and I used to see strange, scary shadows and void space. But it could be real. Often creatures of the night make people see objects like them so that when they really are there, it is a usual sight. But I wouldn't be worried it might be a guardian angel or the spirit of a relative watching over.
  • Yes, it is a angel. That may mean he is a medium. I am a very experienced medium and i have angels and spirits come accross to me as that and sometimes flashes of light. The black figure means that the angel was not dressed up in its gown and wings. It may sounds weird, but its true!
  • Your child is scared of the dark.
  • It means your child is terrified ! Ask him can he hear evil music ? And BELIEVE HIM ! Don't be stupid and say it is just a dream,,,,like I was !
  • Sleep in your son's bedroom and see for yourself.
  • Sounds like a Shadow Person, but could be his imagination. Is he prone to telling tall-tales? if not, do some reading on Shadow People to learn more about them. This is a good resource.
  • It could be a bid for attention, but it could also be something else. It could be a shadow person, although whether or not this is a problem is debatable among the experts. If it is a spirit, unless it makes your child feel afraid I wouldn't be too worried. If it does make your child afraid, though, it may be either a negative spirit, or even worse, a demon. They don't have to possess you to rob you of sleep or the feeling of peace and safety. It would be worth looking into if it bothers your child to see which it is and, if necessary, get rid of it.
  • That it's time to tell him about his evil twin. And he shouldn't worry because it's safely locked in the attic...
  • I have seen one, but it was not small. In all serious though, does it bother him? How old is your son? I have heard that this could be caused by negative energy like depression....could be bringing it through let him know that you believe him, even if you don't. Pay closer attention to your son.
  • Its might be something weird thing related to his past birth or it's time to repair your house
  • Children can see things that us adults can not. I would talk with him, and find out the history of your land and home. You never know whats out there until you see it or experience for yourself..
  • It happens to my son, when he lets the cat in.
  • THIS MEANS SOMEONE OR SOMETHING DIED/got murdured IN HER ROOM BEFORE your family moved in so i would call a preist if i were you
  • dont you watch the news!! a little black kid rann away, (REWARD)

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