I don't think so, I still open doors for ladies and try to be considerate. It has given a lot of guys a easy cop out though.
Kind of! Most people are OK, however there are a number of women in the company I work for, who march around and treat everyone (men and women) like shit, they are rude,aggressive and are extremely hostile ..... but they still expect the door to be held open for them....screw that! (i'm not going to get many points for this answer am I? but I think its a fair point- if you behave like a Lady, you will almost certainly be treated like one)
I think it may have played a part - in that men feel that since women are striving for independence, they can pay their own half of checks, open their own doors, take out their own trash, etc. I don't think that all men think that way, however.
No. There's some trivialised perverted version of feminism that says that men shouldn't offer to do things for women, or shouldn't treat them nicely - but that isn't, and never was, what feminism is about. Feminism is about giving everyone, regardless of their sex, the oppurtunity to live the fullest life possible, have the most choices possible, play an active part in society, and explore their full potential. It's not about whether some guy opens a car door for you or not.
The death of chivalry ought to be blamed on YOU men lol.
YES! and I am a female
what a great question! well feminists shoudl complain...when chivalry wasn..."dead" women had much less rights, priviledges etc...
No, Consumerism is to blame for the death of chivalry. These corporate bastards go to public relations firms and the people behind the counter pick some piece of paper randomly out of a barrel with things like 'women', 'blacks', 'multiculturalism', etc written on each one.
Chivalry is not dead. I still treat a woman like a lady. Feminism has allowed for women to speak out against UNWANTED chivalry.
Yes in a lot of cases, some women have taken the concept too far and denied the male the use of any consideration toward them Equality is a good thing but some women take it to extremes and are rude to men that try to be polite and helpful. I am very much into equality in life and oppurtunity. I think we should have equal rights and responsibilities. I do not wish to be a token women, nor do I believe in positive discrimination. I believe in the best person (not gendre) for the job At the same time I appreciate a person with good manners and appreciate being treated with respect and chivalry.
In my opinion only in the case of women who have taken feminism too far. I still enjoy holding doors for the ladies getting up and giving them my seat on a crowded bus or subway opicking up the whole tab even if we are just friends especially if I was the one to invite her and not the other way around. There are however some women who make it hard. I have run into women who have made nasty comments about being able to open their own dammned doors or aren't pregnant elderly or handicapped so therefore have no use for my seat etc. I try not to let the negative ones affect me all that much though.
Nonsense! What...because women now have more equality of opportunity men should stop treating them less politely? What modern woman is going to accept the deal...If you agree to give up all the social gains you've made in the past 40 or so years, men will open doors for you again? Or, in other words, let us men control everything and we'll be nice to women again. I can just see the swarms of women lining up to accept that deal now (NOT!)...:-P...
At the VERY least, yes. It's a problem when a friend at work feels he has to say to me, "Hey Alyson, you look really nice today... in a non-sexual-harassment kind of way" or feel they can't help me (at barely 5' tall) to retrieve a box off a high shelf. People can't even give each other compliments or help each other without having sexism (or pretty much any other -ism) join the picture. It's sickening.
Chivalry evolved into civility. It lost the archaic sex-based stereotyping of bygone days, and became true human dignity. Whenever you go to a door and someone is behind you, you should hold it open for them. It does not mater their gender or age, you should just do it. The same for any of those other ancient rules- one should be polite to everyone, but one should not treat women like delicate porcelain dolls.
The other day someone gave me a ride home from my Reiki school. He opened the car door for me. Something I certainly have not experienced often. While waiting for me in my living room he also didn't sit down b/c I was in a rush and didn't offer him a seat. He is of a different generation though. He's somewhere arround 60.
as long as i'm alive, chivalry is not dead
No chivalry isn't dead but it is rare to find. As long as I am alive, I will continue opening up doors and pulling out chairs and standing when a woman enters the room. Those friends of mine who witness this are picking it up as well. They thought it was silly for me to behave as such until they found that with my actions I have a lot more respect from others.
I've put myself in extreme danger a few times for females I barely knew so, it's not dead in my world.
Not yet, but it does seem to be fading away. I don't know if it's women being empowered or men not teaching their sons how to respect people.
why do want 2 b chivalrous
Some of us are trying to keep it alive. Nothing wrong with being polite in either direction. (Whoever opens the door for whoever is just considerate.) It's the people that want to turn a polite or respectful gesture into something sexist that's the problem. How can one twist politeness or respect into something sexist? How can one take offense to civility? As I've said before, taking offense where none is intended to stealing . . . now that's offensive :-)
if a woman wants equality, she has 2 behave equally and can't expect chivalry. that's reverse sex dicrimination
Chivalry is not dead.
Absolutely. Feminists demand equality such that women cannot be treated differently than men based on gender. Which is exactly what chivalry is: men proving women only with certain courtesies specifically because of being female. TRUE feminists reject chivalry and their loud call for equality has stifled men's natural inclination to treat women with more courtesy than they treat men. Feminists have let men off the hook and robbed other women of the chivalrous treatment they prefer. Thanks a lot, feminism.
Chivalry is wrong if its only directed towards women. Everyone should be treated equally regardless of gender. I am a woman and i would want a man to treat me as he would another man. The purpose of feminism wasn't to say to stop holding doors for women. The purpose was to say, if you hold the door for me, hold the door for that man over there too. Its fair.
Yes. Feminists are loud and vocal. But, most women are not feminists and like chivalry. The solution? Treat feminists like men since they're equal. Let feminists open their own doors, carry their own heavy stuff, stand on the bus while the men who got on first sit, pay for their own meals, change their own tires - just like men do. Equal is equal.
No - she can open the door, throw her coat onto the mud puddle in the road for me to step on and pay for dinner anytime she wants. :-)
Most probably. Women asked so much for equality that men just gave it to them.
The ideas that A) Women should get special treatment and consideration like having doors opened, chairs held, dates paid for etc and B) Women are deserving of the same treatment and consideration are mutually exclusive. Given that B is a key premise of feminism, then yes, it's to blame.
Yes... yes, it is.
Yes in the most part. The rest is socially structured, in my experience I have seen the moral and values too light in modern families(the ones who have the luck to be functional), growing without one of your parents is another issue, as you do not get a model for what a person of that gender should be. Also, some women do not allow men to be courteous or "gentlemanly", they say they do not need men and that being a gentleman is old fashioned
In a sort of backwards way, yes. Men feel that they don't need to try, because now women have rights. That's how it started, anyway. I'm sure that there are a few women who don't like chivalry. That's not true, for most of us.
The blame goes not just to women, but society as a whole. I feel that men are just as much to blame, as women for continuing loss of chivalry. Men mistake feminism as not being able to help women. Women mistake feminism as not asking a man for help. As one person said before, equal does not mean identical. Men are men! Men as a general rule are stronger, tougher, and better than women at some things. Men tend to be less emotional to counter balance woman's emotional nature. Women are better care-givers, we are more caring, and loving, and passionate. We know how to step up and take charge, but we can also take the back seat and follow. Women are flexible, understanding, and tend to see things from many different angles. Honestly, I think the writings of Anais Nin should be required reading, it really puts a lot of things in perspective. "I, with a deeper instinct, choose a man who compels my strength, who makes enormous demands on me, who does not doubt my courage or my toughness, who does not believe me naive or innocent, who has the courage to treat me like a woman." -- Anais Nin "I donβt mind being told to stand on my own feet, not to cling, be all that I am capable of doing, but I am going to be pursued, f---ed, possessed by the will of a male at his time, his bidding." --Anais Nin A woman can be a woman and stand on her own, be strong, be her own person, and still allow a man to have chivalry and romance her and love her. A woman can be a woman and allow a man to do little things for her, and treat her like a woman. Men are suppose to whoo and romance women and treat them respectfully, that can happen and a woman still be able to be independant. Both sides just have to see eye to eye!
I used to open or hold the doors for women right up until this "feminism" thing came in full force. Long time ago I was getting inside a building and there was a woman coming right behind me. I did what at that time I thought was the right thing, I held the door open for her but she-in an unpleasant disposition-replied: "I have two hands, I'm capable of open the doors by myself". There are people, both male and female, who take things-ideology, belief, etc-to a ridculous extreme.
I remember discussing this once with a male history teacher I had in high school. He said he offered a woman a seat on a busy train and she yelled at him saying "I'm not pregnant so I think I'm quite capable of standing!" Personally, I love guys that do things like that. Make me feel like a woman and I'll make you feel like a man.
Feminism is, in all situations, 'to blame for the death of chivalry' though not to the same extent in all situations, and we still must look at how society has changed in its own right. That said, if a man and woman were to hold a business meeting, then she should be treated no differently than if she were male; yet if that same man and woman were meeting for a date, then some degree of chivalry is certainly in order. Another note, which has been pointed out by others, is that not all women are staunch feminists and so not all women should be treated the same-- a pleasant individual will find others to be more pleasant.
Yes because chivalry is about helping the weak while feminism is about being equal.
yeah some parts of it can esp the more radical Feminists good example a guy opening a car door for a women on a date either a women will say ah thats so nice you are a gentlemen or you get some women who bite your head off saying just because they are a women dosent make them weak to open a car door for themselves etc
Yes. Women were encouraged to speak their minds and they do. Do you think any guy would offer chivalry to Corinne Kaplan or just run away from her?
Feminism is to blame for the death of chivalry but normal women still love it.
Yes If a guy opens a car door for a date he either gets told you are such a gentlemen or you get your head bitten off getting told that just because she is a women dosent mean she is weak to open her own door
Of course it is. But my question to you: is this necessarily a bad thing?
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