I would'nt kick him back............but I'd tear his freakin white tail off.......
No way -- I'd be on my cell phone telling everybody I know that a bunny rabbit just kicked me. I don't know why.
No way : P I'd just laugh a bit and walk away
no... If your dog bit you, would you bite him back?
What's the point? How much could it hurt?
Nah, I wouldn't be able to, after it fell repeatedly ONTO my baton.
It would depend on my mood
No, I'd pick it up.
How hard did it kick me?
Hell yea .. nobody kicks Ice18 and live to tell about it .. lol .
Where did it kick me at? The head? The leg? If it's somewhere other than the head, no, but dude, if I'm getting kicked in the head, I don't know what I'd do, but not kick it. Maybe just hit it.
No.......because he probably would have kicked me in the balls and I would of been down for the long 12 count. Enough time for the little bastard to make his getaway.
G'day Xtreme2252, Thank you for your question. If it was a rabbit, it wouldn't worry me that much. I don't think that a rabbit would do much damage. A horse would be a different story. That would hurt. Regards
noo... stupid bunny why do you have to be so cute? rawr!
Yep, I'd wear it as a slipper.. :)
Nop! I wouldn't kick it back, i'll pick it up affectionately, and take it to my home. There I'll have a yummy bunny rabbit roast!
If I could find his shins I would.
One has, and no.
i think i would try to eat it. mmmmm rabbit....
No, I would know that the rabbit was scared and only trying to tell me to stay away. Kicking it would only frighten it more.
no id make it into soup.
NO WAY! you should never kick a rabbit that is animal abuse!!! :( the reason it is kicking you is because it probably is being territorial, or just aggresive!
...It's a rabbit. How much damage could it do?
Of course not. I would pick it up and try to feed it a carrot.
any time I've ever been around baby bunnies they were on a table or in a being waist high and my having a fat butt, I highly doubt even if I wanted to I could get my leg up that
No way! Rabbits have very fragile bones and one kick can break them! That is animal abuse too just to let you know.
I would get the rabbit alone in a small room and gently approach him/her, talk to the rabbit. Explain that such behaviour is not acceptable, I would also use rabbit behaviour to shun the rabbit until it coms up to me offering an apoligy.
no what's the point?
how does a rabbit kick you?
thats just tipical of a brainless human, would you kick a child if it kicked you NO YOU WOULDNT!!!!!!!!!!!! you people make me sick with the stupid questions you ask, would you kick a 50 foot gaint if he kicked you "NO YOU WOULDNT", because that how big you look to a inocent rabbit
NO that's animal cruelty
I'd cook it. (Taste like 'Chicky' yo...:)
well i would ask wtf does zeh rabbit have a problem with me ?? well then.. iยดd pick it up.......and then a BIIIG HUUUG!!! soo cute!
Other than a dead rabbit I'm not sure exactly what you are hoping to achieve by doing that...
Of course not! Rabbits rarely kick humans intentionally, and even if they did, kicking a rabbit, even gently, could kill it! Either by breaking its spine (very easy to do) or through shock (which may take a few hours to show symptoms)
No, Why would I kick a rabbit. If a rabbit ever did kick me, I'm sure it wouldn't hurt. I love animals, I don't want to hurt them.
yeh, i would chase it down if i had to :P
Yes i would I would kill it and cook it and give him to someon eto eat b/c i dont rabbit its nasty.
That depends on how mean looking it was.
No, I'd be too busy crying.
no cause two wrongs dont make it right
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