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I do my best to please my partner and don't expect anything in return. If he's happy, then that in turn makes me happy.Sometimes he returns the favor, sometimes not. But that's okay. We are such a good fit otherwise, the sex is just the icing on the cake.
I would only get mad if the favor was almost never returned. It's perfectly natural for things to be one-sided occasionally. If it's not always the same side, no problem.
My wife's pleasure ALWAYS comes first. We dated a while prior to becoming "intimate". When "it" finally occurred, she was less than impressed. I think she said something like, "Guys are all alike.", which I took to mean, she'd never been satisfied. At that, I encouraged her to teach me what she needed to be satisfied. With much reluctance, she finally agreed; after some "trial and error" we found what she needed. I've spent 18 giving her what she needs. Everytime. First. There's never any pressure and I make no requirement she "gives in return."
I usually please my partner without expecting something in return but once in a while I'd like it if he returned the favor!
i care more about his pleasure than I do mine so no I don't ever give it a second thought about, "Hey what about me?"..he's happy I'm happy:)
in a true relationship, If you always put your partner first, and do whatever you need to do, without reguard to your own wants and needs, you WILL be compensated many times over. IE yes I always have and it always returns back to me !D
"Sex, when done properly, is a very selfish thing." i forget who said that but i love this quote.
I think it should always be a give and take thing, not just with sex but with every aspect of the relationship.
Let me tell ya something, I'd rather give than to receive. She doesn't have to take one for the team if she doesn't want to. I just keep my eye on the prize.
I often pleasure my lady without expecting anything in return ...I'll walk up and just out of the blue pleasure her orally or with my fingers or a toy or all, after she has 'got off' a few times I will just leave her standing/laying with a stunned look on her face and panties around her feet doing that !!
when you have a serious partner it shouldnt be like this... if u get some its not like you OWE it back. it should come from the heart. but if ur obviously always taking, never giving, there will be problems there!
I loved pleasing my man whether or not I ever received anything from him.
well lets see.. depending if my guys really trying to get me to firework and its just not happening i'll start trying to get him to go and it doesnt make me upset at all cause im just tired and glad i got him off.
it all depends on my mood, if he really is trying hard and I'm just out of it, then it's not his fault and I can't hold it against him. but if he's just being lazy, then there is no excuse and he will find out expediently that that wont cut it.
I think it has to be a two way street. I was married to a woman for 30 years and it was mostly one way. Now I am with a woman who that also thinks it is a two way street. The sex is great and it extends into the rest of our relationship. We communicate about sex so we communicate about everything else. But of course, sex is very important to me and my GF. I am also comfortable with just giving or just getting during a session with no quilt involved in concern for her feelings. I know she enjoys just recieving or just giving just as much, and I feel the same way. Ussually we do both of course.
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