• Wow - I cant believe I just fixed this! Here is the solution: DISABLE PHOTO DOWNLOADER In the system tray (bottom right of screen), you will see a little camera with a GREEN arrow - hover over it and it will say "Adobe Photo Downloader". Left click on it, then select "DISABLE" - a RED cross will now appear on it. From now on, Adobe Album will NOT open when you connect ANYTHING to the computer, including your iPod! But you still want it to open when you plug in your camera/USB stick to upload photos right? Read on... MAKE CAMERA/USB OPEN ADOBE ALBUM Connect your camera and turn it on, or your USB stick, (or whatever you normally use for photos). There are 2 ways to make it open Adobe Album automatically: Here is the first way - A) A window SHOULD appear with a list of programs in it, and it should say "Select the program to launch for this action:". (Basically it is just asking you what you want to happen every time you plug in your camera, or USB stick etc.) From the list, select "Adobe Photoshop Album Starter Edition". Then tick the box "Always use this program for this action". Here is the second way - B) Open "My Computer". Find your camera, or USB stick. Right click on it - then click "Properties". Click "Events". Select an event - "Camera Connected". Click "Start this program" - then in the drop down box select "Adobe Album Starter Edition". Click Apply. Then click OK. Problem solved! Now your ipod wont open Adobe Album, but you camera will! Enjoy. :)

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