• Left-wing and right wing are not absolutes- the terms vary from one country to another. Liberals advocate change, and conservatives advocate the status quo, so in China, the liberals are fighting to have more capitalism, and the conservatives want communism. By American standards, I would guess that liberals want to move more in the direction of western Europe and Canada, and conservatives want to move in the direction of the USA in the 1950's or even earlier.
  • Pay no attention to magenta. He doesn't know anything about politics, has no answer to the question, yet insists on answering it anyway. The author didn't ask about liberal and conservative. He asked about left and right wing. This is particularly confusing because the term liberal and conservative mean different things in different countries. As far as right and left wing countries go, Cuba, DPR Korea, Laos, Syria, and Venezuela would be the well known left wing countries. Far right countries include, USA, Israel, Japan, UAE, KSA, Hong Kong (not a country but has its own economic system), Singapore. USA is so right wing, that it will invade left wing countries and forcefully install a right wing govt. Examples of these are UAE, Japan, and KSA. This is why some muslims have a beef with the USA. The right wing govt of HK, and Singapore were forcefully installed by the British. The UK wouldn't be in the far right category because it has at least healthcare, but it is the most right wing in the European Union.

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