I like to pray for them kind of people and stay clear of them.
Shadow Of The Mind
Yeah, itโs best to stay clear of them
When I watch series like Peaky Blinders, I think, and what makes people think the ways of government and this world are any different now? Mafias and gangs running countries, child sex trafficking for blackmail of high ranking profiles, drug smuggling, laundering money, fixing football matches, boxing etc. And the illusion of power for the pleb class masses, who they persistently keep control with the divide and conquer, fear, taxes, political correctness, the list goes on.
Its been happening my entire life I believe grandpa was a sell out ,as in took all and gave nothing hence why corpo scum own us all. Most of the people in my country are sheep they like being told what to think anyway.If you dont look after your own childreen and the peados get them whos fault is it? No shortage of corput officals taking bibes giving the country away multiply that by 70 years of compound interest they are too powerful and own everything and most of the police force.
And judges!
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