• I think it's personal choice, I've always had android so I can't compare, I didn't like the smaller screens on the iPhone as my eyes aren't as great as they use to be, and I suffer with visual distress (double vision), when looking at small blue lit screens for too long, however, my cousin just got an iPhone 16, and the screensize matches the androids. There's different perks to iPhone, and you can see if your messages have been read.
  • if you only talk on the phone send texts and browse the internet a little bit does it matter? If you are worried about internet privercy maybe Iphone might be more secure. I didn't like the only Iphone Ive ever had years later I worked out it was the vodaphone network was the problem.
  • 1/31/2025, iPhones are overpriced. Apple can further raise the price on their products, and many people will believe that if it costs more, then it has to be better. In reality, you're paying for the Apple brand. There is more customization available for Android than with iPhones. Apple does not allow you to customize your phone as you would like. You have to swallow what Apple wants you to consume. I have an iPhone 14 because I like their design. Apple has nicer phones than Android. For storing large files, that's what my desktop computer πŸ–₯️ is for.

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