• that is how active this site is you may hit the top after I answer this.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Not quite, this site still has more than a dozen active users. But most of them do not like asking questions.
  • 1/1/2025, I can assure you that with me, Linda Joy, DancesWithWolves and Nunya (when these 3 users were active), you wouldn't have made it to even 5th place, unless you increase the volume of your questions. They have 1000+ questions asked, and they were known to ask 25+ questions per day. I have asked 50+ questions per day. I stopped asking questions so others can get a chance to be on the Answerbag Leaderboard. It figures why anyone can make the leaderboard these days.
    • The Original Mixed-Up Kid
      Is Nunya still here? I haven't seen her for ages. I remember her on the old AB, I liked her.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      She was here at the time I signed up on the new AB in 2017.

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