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  • I'm masturbating right now! So horny!!!!
    • erec
      ME TOO (both!)
    • erec
      thanks for your answer. i appreciate it
    • Anonymous
      Nice to see someone's still on here. I like having someone to talk to about these things.
    • Anonymous
      I'm stroking my cock right now reading some of the stories and comments on here! :D
    • Anonymous
      You still feeling horny? :)
  • Heres a story to help with your morning wank. Woke up this morning (hard obviously), looked across at my nude wife. Tanned body in white sheets. Wearing nothing but a gold necklace, her exposed tits looked divine. I started stroking my hard cock looking at my love, her dark erect nipples drawing me in. Then she opened her eyes, saw my hand an my cock, looked back at me with a sleepy smile, and reached down to start stroking her pussy. We watched each other masturbate until be both came at the same time. Then I got a little kiss and a cup of coffee. Hope you enjoy masturbating to this little image i painted for you 😊
    • erec
      I LOVE it. Thanks!!!!! I am masturbating to i right now. Have been trying to keep up with your comments, but I see i have missed some. I am always horny, and i very much enjoy this discussion. Thanks
    • erec
    • Anonymous
      Nice! If you look on my profile you can see all my answers to other questions too. Glad youre enjoying it ;)

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