  • I can't imagine any reason for a cop to taser an old woman like that at all. Indict him. IMHO 11/19/24
    • ★Stevo
      the pathetic did. A 34 yearold cop couldnt take a knife off a 95 year old lady is how pathetic we have become. Today we find out if he gets jail.
    • dalcocono
      Hopefully he will get jail.
    • ★Stevo
      hopefully, but Australia is a dud country he may walk. They let a rapist walk the other day. I dont think the cop has lots of cash thou he may get jail.
  • See.. that's what they're missing in nursing homes.. taser guns, it would make handling frail dementia suffers, Sooo much easier! Jeepers skippy, that drongo cop, needs putting down.

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