• Now the tree has fallen on your house and cars. Would you admit you are stupid and stop wondering why your home insurance wont pay up? You have legal letters from your neighbors asking you to cut the trees down, a letter from your insurance company stating you need to cut the trees down as they can not insure against them falling down. As the tree lover is a victim of his own stupidity hes going to waste money sueing the insurance company now. The previous owner of the house next door said he was quoted $12k to get the said tree removed 12 years ago. I need some tree loopers jokes to tell the tree lover.
  • If a tree appears rotted, and no homeowner on both sides does anything to have it cut down, causing the tree to fall on a house and cars, then the insurance will investigate. They will obviously say the rotted tree should have been cut years ago. Therefore, the insurance is not responsible to pay for the damages over people's stupidity.
  • If multiple persons were advising me to cut a bad tree down I would probably have done it. That 12,000$ price tag may be what stopped him from going forward! Once it fell and caused significantly more damage though. I would have to admit I was stupid and that the whole mess is my own dam fault! 10/24/24

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