• so they cant get sued for collateral damage. When a super hero throws a bad guy thru a window ect who pays. Super heros do lots of damage.
  • In the comics, the tradition reason is: to prevent the bad guys from using friends and family of the superhero as leverage. * For example: if you know Clark Kent is Superman, then Ma and Pa Kent, Lois Lane, and anyone else who might be considered a friend or family of Clark is ripe for kidnapping or threat in order to blackmail Supes or to draw him into a trap. Batman has Alfred. Spider-man has Aunt May. * The ones that don't hide their faces are the ones who believe that they can protect their families and friends and who have gone to considerable trouble and expense to do so (e.g. Fantastic Four), or who don't have any family and friends to protect (e.g. the Angel, the Sub-mariner).

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