• 10/3/2024, Israel needs to bomb Iran's nuclear sites or it will be a crime against humanity if Iran pushes for nuclear arms. Iran is committed to the destruction of the US and Israel.
    • ★Stevo
      So the people and planet dont matter?
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      And you expect the West and Israel to lay down? The people and the planet does not matter to terrorists. Surah 9:29, “Fight against those who do not believe in Allah, nor in the last day, nor forbid that which has been forbidden by Allah and Allah's messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of truth (Islam) among the people who were given the scriptures, until they pay the security tax willingly, and feel themselves subdued.”
    • ★Stevo
      money and greed is the root cause.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Not to Jihadists. They see it as a religious war between Crusaders who are the modern day Christian countries vs Muslims, only with the exception that wars in the 21st Century are not fought with horses, swords and canons, but with military power using the latest technology.
    • ★Stevo
      military power using the latest technology made in factorys hence why I say money and greed the weapons manufacturers need the war they have done their nuts in Ukriane.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Russia has been trying to rebuild the Soviet Union, whether the Western countries agree or not.
  • The whole purpose of nuclear bombs was so there would be no war (how's that working for us), but considering we know what it can do to civilians, we should not be bombing nuclear plants. You can't say you care about the climate and then do that.
  • I don't really "approve" of bombing anything or anybody, but nobody ever asks me what I think. You may be the first one who ever did. In the 21st century, we should be able to solve problems without the threat of nuclear war again. IMHO 10/4/24

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