If the judge and a jury of your peers decide someone is guilty, then yes, technically you are a convicted felon. There's nothing to believe.
Thank you for sharing :) -
To Vampire: be fair, it *is* possible for a person to be convicted of a crime that they did not commit. In such a case, the person might not be an actual criminal, and certainly is not the perpetrator of the particular crime for which they have been convicted. * That being said: I don't believe that applies to Trump. I believe he is guilty, that he was rightly convicted of crimes that he did in fact commit. -
Vampire Of My Own Heart
That is true, until the case is overturned along with their record. It's up to a lawyer and prosecutor to convince a jury what they believe. But once a ruling is made technicality sets the record, until the record is changed. We, on the other hand, as members of society and possible/future jurors should not believe anything. Let the facts play out which doesn't need help from "believe". Otherwise, "believe" will interpret the facts as "truth". Facts are more important than truth.
He was convicted after all, even though there was some shady statute of limitations altering done by the court in order to bring their charges against him. 8/24/24
Of course, all political leaders are criminal, and have been screwing us over for years!
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