• Hard to say. I can imagine some things, but I don't know how realistic they are. For example: (1) by occupying Russian territory, they have leverage for a treaty. "We'll give you your land back if you give us our land back." (2) by bringing the war onto Russian soil, they bring the war OUT of Ukraine; Russian forces and materiel will preferentially be sent to oust the invading forces, giving Ukraine and its citizens a break from attacks inside of Ukraine (3) it's a threat. "Look: we can invade your country any time we want to, anywhere along the border that we want to". The threat of invasion into Russia by Ukraininan forces might all by itself (temporarily) stop Russian incursions into Ukraine, as Russian scrambles to protect (from invasion) the entirety of its lengthy border with Ukraine *** A final note: these are all very simplistic (over-simplistic) possible strategies. The "true strategy" is probably much more complex, with multiple aspects, and probably involves political strategies in addition to military strategies.

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