sometimes you are not even talking about them, but they take it personally ... in that case they are not aware... as in others, well, i dont know, no one care for them when talking so they themselves dont do it to others...
words will not hurt you teach them real world surival skills so they eat drink and enjoy everyday to the fullests. You are usefull son you have a pursose their words mean nothing to you. They need a leader . Answer to why most of the time they are over feed arsh*les lots of them in the world they dont want peasants revoulting.
Shadow Of The Mind
I hear what you are saying that their words mean nothing to me but sometimes itβs difficult to not listen to whatβs being said. Those who say terrible things donβt think about how someone else feels. They speak before thinking and they are not nice people. I understand about real world survival skills and the world will continue to spin. With some people who say offensive things, they donβt stop to think about how someone feels because they are insensitive and uncaring. Sometimes there are people who have a negative impact on others causing the person to feel depressed. When it comes to survival, the person will grow like a flower on its own. This can be difficult for someone who is affected by other peopleβs wrongdoings. -
β Stevo
its us v them shank or be skanked as they say, dont turn your back on them they will shank you. Uncareing they will take advantage of you and bleed you dry if you give them half a chance.; -
Shadow Of The Mind
I wonβt give them the chance to take advantage of me by defending myself and let their words go in one ear and out the other.
Some people are just looking for something to be offended over. Especially when the real reason they feign offence is to try and shame you into feeling bad for hurting their feelings. And when that seems to be the only thing they EVER talk about you HAVE to understand THEY ARE THE ONES WITH THE PROBLEM! It is not the job of everyone in the world to cater to your OVERSENSITIVITY. The problem is you're letting words hurt you and words don't hurt if you don't let them. If you had gone to therapy when I first suggested it you would have learned that years ago and could actually be discussing real world issues and making PROGRESS and not be stuck in the exact same complaint you had 7 YEARS AGO! But OBVIOUSLY you PREFER to complain about the behavior of others which is actually none of your business, than to adjust YOUR THINKING AND BEHAVIOR and stop expecting everyone in the world to adjust theirs to cater to YOU. That's completely unreasonable and you will never be happy, UNLESS it's the attempt at manipulation of others that is your real goal. You are the one shaming others with your constant nagging.
Probably just like you they don't realize they are not being mindful and hurting other peoples feelings. You just hurt the poor feelings of all these people YOU ARE JUDGING TO BE WRONG just for saying something you CHOSE to let hurt your feelings.
I can only speak for myself on this, but, the only people who can hurt my feelings are people I care about. What unknown strangers have to say online are often attempts at hurting my widdew feewings, but they don't stand a chance because they are just unimportant disembodied typists who would probably never say the sort of thing in person they will say anonymously online. I either ignore them, or fire back. It's easy to be mean and nasty online because it's only words. Remember the old childhood thing about "sticks and stones etc"? Words will never hurt me from an online stranger. 7/31/24
β Stevo
Agree 100% How can some clown from the internet upset you, they dont know you ,You dont get black eyes , fat lips or your teeth punch in from Internet fighting -
Exactly right. Talking trash is something anybody can do, and online strangers and their opinions are not important to me.
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