• We don't have to fight for it anymore, it's 2024, black people have the same capability of fulfilling their dreams as white folk, the problem we have is keep going on about it, it's the white Liberal Marxist left who seem to want to promote this black victimhood, they appear to hate the idea that we all have the opportunity to educate, and work our way up the ladder in the field we choose. Instead they want to separate us, by keep reminding everyone about past slavery, and suggesting that black people somehow don't have the same motivation or intelligence as whites, it's insulting that's what it is. Martin Luther King had a dream where we'd all get along, he wasn't Malcom X, he didn't promote violence, he wasn't bitter, he was peaceful. Martin Luther king quotes- If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward. Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that. I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character. I had a dream that we would loot and arson, in resentment for slavery, burn down those shops, take what you want, - Oh no sorry that wasn't a quote of his. That said Jenny, he clearly isn't quoted enough is he, especially in the face of the Marxists who want to cause division, and use black people to trojan horse their own agenda? They don't give a damn about racial equality.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Very true that MLK's quotes about racial inequality need to stay in the past. Although, how do you explain the deaths of Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, Eric Garner and George Floyd to name a few black people. Did these black men deserve to die or as the black activists said, they were targets of police brutality for being black?
    • Creamcrackered
      The problem lies within the police force, many officers are brutal, regardless of whether you're black, white, man or woman, I've seen it first hand, often it looks like they've lost the plot,and respond over the top to situations that do not require it. . However, not sure about U.S, but I have seen them respond differently since George Floyd, they don't tend to kneel on the neck and bend the arms back, they are now sitting them down. I'm not saying it isn't a tough job having to assess situations fast, especially in high criminal neighbourhoods where other people are also armed, or when dealing with people who have a past criminal record of violence, police officers get shot as well, as do white people, statistically more whites get shot, however it is pointed out that there is a lower percentage of black people in the populas, so the rate then is calculated as proportionately higher, there's other numbers that have to be figured into the equation like crime rate statistics by colour if this is what is being looked at. Overall, the police have to deal case by case, and reviews of situations learned from. Yes racism does exist in the force. But the response to these deaths, had nothing to do with these mens deaths, BLM is a Marxist organisation, it was started by homosexual women, one of its main goals was to take the man from the head of the family, which is against most black peoples beliefs as many are Christian. Marxism seeks to tear down the established order, and capitalism by any means including violence. Hence, not only white people and Corporations were targeted but independent black store owners too. Marxism is also behind many of the climate change groups as well.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Thanks for the explanation.

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