• It can be. If it's really loud or really smelly and you can't blame it on the dog. 5/28/24
  • Not if it’s a silent one. When there are people around in the area and someone has let off silently, that could be anyone and there is no one to blame them.
  • G'day mate good to see you. Times must have changed , when you meet the Duchess of Cornwall, you're supposed to fart. Shes likes to tell the story of Joe Biden farting.
    • DancesWithWolves
      Thanks, glad to see you too !!!
  • It depends on the person, I guess. I had to have ileostomy surgery just over 10 years ago & I haven’t had any real “farts” since then (as they had to remove my colon & surgically close off the “back door”). The most I get are muffled squeaks from the “stoma”, which is inside a bag, so there’s no smell unless it’s opened or leaking. I’ve always found good ol’ fart humour hilarious & still crack up when I hear a good one. I suppose I’m lucky in a way, because no one can ever get away with blaming one on me! 😂
  • I think once you reach a certain age it's less embarrassing. When I'm in public toilets and a woman in a cubicle farts, it makes me grin.
  • A lot of people consider passing gas in public rude. But when your body builds up excess gas inside your digestive system, you just have to let it out, no matter where you are or who's around you. The pain and discomfort of holding it in can be severe. The only thing you have to worry about is some people chasing you away: LOL 😂

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