• Doing bad things like lying, cheating and stealing is part of being human. Killing for a living is to take it to the extreme. God does not make evil people. Killers are moved by demonic spirits. Demon possession is a term that describes a variety of conditions, both physical and emotional-mental-psychological for which the cause is identified as direct demonic influence.
  • If you have watched the God Father, you will see that the person who holds the highest position is calm and in control, they don't or can't get emotionally involved, being able to detach enables them to make decisions such as killing easily, because of this and their lack of empathy, either they are born like this or, their circumstances, have taught them to disconnect. They aren't always sadistic, but more indifferent, it's strictly business.. The mafia is no different to those in authority or leadership of the country. The dumb sheeple are pawns easily manipulated, while they make money off our labour, and trade deals, drug smuggling, sex trafficking, or war mongering. Laundering their money clean, or keeping it in tax free havens.
  • Anyone who kills are evil because murder is an illegal act that is immoral. Even if they kill alone or in a crime syndicate, any type of killing makes the person(s) evil.

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