• I always just called this "overtired." You get exhausted to the point where your body thinks it is in danger, so it becomes reluctant to allow you to sleep, which stresses you out, which results in even more difficulty sleeping. Usually the cycle can be broken either through meditation, a relaxing bedtime routine, or through medication. I dealt with this a lot when I used to work two full-time jobs (yes, I know it's crazy, but I was poor, trying to support a wife who wasn't working and two kids). It can be dangerous if you are operating heavy or dangerous machinery or driving or basically doing anything that people usually do for work.
  • No, when I feel tired, I get sleepy. 😴 Sometimes when I can't sleep, I feel very energized and excited to wake up the next day. πŸ˜†
  • Over tired, or "wired," try and get a routine back with sleeping, drink warm malt drink, use heat pad or water bottle, take a relaxing bath before bed, massage some cream containing lavender into you body, drink valerian root tea. I had it last night Shadow, it's annoying mine is stress and pain related.
    • Shadow Of The Mind
      Thanks for the advice. Sorry to hear you feel stressed and in pain.
    • ⭐️Creamcrackered
      Thanks Shadow, I hope you can get some decent sleep.
    • Shadow Of The Mind
      Thanks. I hope there will be peace for you and no stress. Whatever pain you are in, I hope it goes away so have a speedy recovery.

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