Strange though it may seem, the reason is actually what you would expect if you think about it. Such commercials are very effective. That is: they actually persuade people to ask their doctors to prescribe them the medicine mentioned. To put that even more directly: the ads actually earn more money for the drug companies than they cost. They're profitable. That's why there's so many of them. Because (as ads) they work. They generate revenue. *** Now for me: if I ever thought that my doctor needed **my** advice on what medicine to prescribe me, I'd be looking for another doctor. But...apparently there are lots and lots and lots of people who don't think that way. They see these commercials, and they ask their doctor to prescribe that medicine, and the drug companies pocket the profits.
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Bible-Reviews is correct. There must be a certain level of ignorance to buy into those drug commercials and "ask your doctor". So the doctors must be buying into it for it to work. -
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We have them out here on the west coast too. They are annoying, because we can't just go buy them, they aren't over the counter meds. They are telling us to "ask your doctor" about them. I bet they are outrageously expensive too! 6/24/23
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I hate watching those commercials. The drug companies are so greedy. Profits before people.
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I always wait and see how much the pharmaceutical companies have lied about side effects before trying something 'new'.
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Ill proudly show off my ignorance on this doesn't Pennsylvania have the most junkies in the country? Don't be taking any of these so called new drugs you'll end up a junkie;.Broke it will cost you everything you own.
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To everyone who answered: Believe it or not you can turn your tv off. YOU HAVE THE POWER!!!! I can't believe how one sided all these answers are. One reason this happens is because "North America (largely the United States) accounts for more than half of the drug patent inventorship, European nations account for one-third of the inventors, and Asian countries account for just over 7%" ***** The US is also the largest user of pharmaceuticals. So it would stand to reason they would advertise most heavily here. Add to that the fact there are more and more diseases being treated with all kinds of new drugs. I just looked at some new ones coming out next year for Altzhiemers or however its spelled! Would you rather these "greedy, nasty, mean people" not waste their lives looking for cures? What if the meds you need were not available? Worse yet, what if they were, but you didn't know because no one told you about them? I'm thankful for my meds! I'd be dead by now without them. First from depression and then my heart. I can think of a whole lot more annoying things to complain about, but then, I don't watch tv.
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