Amazing that a creature with a brain smaller than the head of a pin can have any level of facility, but yes, I believe that, when you flick a bug, it knows that it has been flicked. Bugs are far simpler than humans, but different bugs still have their different amazing abilities. Bees can remember specific paths to area with bountiful nectar and can communicate the directions on how to get there from their hive to their colleagues. Paper wasps can remember a human face and pick a specific person out of a crowd. Earwig mothers stay with their eggs after laying them, meticulously cleaning them to protect them from disease and predators and even keep their young under them until they've completed their second molt. The hawk moth caterpillar has learned to disguise itself as a snake in order to evade predators, when it feels threatened. Entomologists have studied ants with mazes and determined that ants not only can recognize scenery and use landmarks to navigate, but, when scenery changes, they can also rely on a sense of direction and distance in order to get from point A to point B. So, not only do they have a cognitive function we didn't expect, but they have the synaptic plasticity to relearn information based on processing past memories. Pretty cool.
Linda Joy
Only the Queen ant could navigate them around the leaf that fell in A Bug's Life. The worker ant was lost when the trail was covered with the leaf! Seriously, cool stuff!
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