No. This is not another cold war. This is just Russia taking advantage of the U.S. refusal to defend a nation that has little importance (political, economic, strategic) to the U.S. If they were to attack a NATO nation - even a tiny one like Lithuania - the U.S. would send significant military support in response. If they were to attack a nation that has importance to the U.S. - say: South Korea - the U.S. would send significant military support in response. Yes, even if it ended up looking like "another Viet Nam" (or "another Afghanistan"), we would use our military might to defend said nation. Putin chose his target carefully, and waited until the World military powers promised no military response, before he invaded.
I see
perhaps the fact that the USA has never honoured any agreement they have ever made with Russia has something to do with it. They know Biden is weak there is nothing you can do about it.
I see -
What about the Alaska Purchase? -
Army Veteran
The US isn't the only nation that doesn't honor their agreements.
the world needs to work together and stop this evil dictator.....should send missiles to all putins weapons/ airports/ train lines/ and putin all at same time ...... at same time watch china just incase and do like wise to them if they interfere
Thank you
Before everyone unloads a gallon of soup in their pants, they should stop and think about a few things (it's hard for some of you muffins, I know - but try anyway before you scare yourselves under your beds). Most of what is going on over there is BS. After two years of COVID, it seems that none of you have picked up on the misinformation that has been fed to you by the fake media. Don't just look at MSNBC or CNN or the New York Slimes for your daily dose of propaganda - they want to scare you into supporting Biden to go to war with Russia. It was only in 2015 that Biden exposed Ukraine's corruption in his quid pro quo idiocy that the Dems tried to accuse Trump of. Has Ukraine suddenly changed its evil ways? Are they no longer corrupt? Who knows? Who CARES when Putin is being thrown in as the neighborhood bully against the now "innocent" Ukraine. You people have all been riding on the fantasy train believing whatever you have been fed. Get away from your paranoia and start thinking for yourselves. The only thing that scares me is that most of you marshmallows are at this every day - why are you so obsessed with allowing your emotions to be exploited? It's like you can't let a day go by without being afraid of something. This comes from the conditioning you've received from the Left - but deny it. You never see Conservatives running around screaming "the sky is falling!".
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No point worrying about it mate, if nuclear war happens we are all screwed.
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For sure, it will happen. It's in the Bible in Matthew 24:7, were nation shall rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom. Putin is not afraid to use nuclear weapons if he feels threatened by the West. He said it himself. Evidently, his mental state include words such as "unbalanced," "sociopathic" and "narcissistic."
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Russian leaders are well aware how badly their military is outclassed by the U.S., and in addition the U.S. has many more militarily-powerful allies than does Russia. (For example: most of Western Europe, Israel, South Korea, Japan, etc.) SO: NO, the U.S. is not in any imminent danger of Russian attack. For that matter: even the smaller nations near to Russia that are NATO nations are not in any imminent danger of Russian attack (because they have the whole military might of NATO to defend them from such attack).
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Putin's had control of nuclear weapons for decades. I think what America needs to do is have a little more smarts with whom we elect to have control of our foreign policy.
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