Barry O tried very hard to accomplish that feat, however, the fact that the insurance industry and the medical and healthcare industry are both for profit businesses made it nearly impossible.
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That's not the job of the government! They're supposed to govern the people not medicate them! Besides that, your health issues are no business of the government unless you are in the military. I think our government already does a good job providing health care for low income families, but forcing the taxpayer to fork over an even higher percentage of their hard earned money to pay for it is not fair! Especially when MOST of the people in the hospital are there because they made poor choices consistently, ie overeating, smoking, drinking, drugs, and a plethora of other things but most importantly not obeying the orders of their doctors. Besides that, I think private industry usually does a better job at this sort of thing than the government.
Army Veteran
I couldn't have said it better. -
Not what I was looking for but thanks -
Army Veteran
No, of course, it wasn't what you were looking for. "Socialized Medicine" can be found three aisles past the Venezuela aisle. -
Linda What about people on Medicaid and or Medicare? Are these people suppose to fend for themselves.
Well...I don't think that any have really tried. *** We were given the Clinton plan, which was tanked by the Republican-dominated "contract with America" Congress. (Boy, that Congress did some good work. I'm not saying they were heroes or anything, but they managed to push through some really worthwhile bills despite the opposition of a President of the opposite party.) *** We were given the Bush Jr. plan, which was tanked by the Democrat-dominated Congress of his time. Then we were given Obama Don't Care vs some Republican plan that couldn't compete in a Democrat-dominated Congress. Of course, Obama Don't Care was enacted, but it didn't come "close to making a decent and affordable Healthcare for all people". In fact, for a couple of years running I made too LITTLE money to qualify for Obama Don't Care. I had to either pay full price for insurance (which of course I could not afford) or do without insurance (which I did, and I still haven't paid off all the medical bills from that time, though I'm almost finished doing so.) *** Then we had the Trump plan which, as far as I know, never made it TO Congress. What he DID manage to do was remove the tax penalty that went along with Obama Don't Care for those who weren't able to afford it. (People were being PENALIZED by the government for not paying for health insurance, even when they could not afford it.) *** So the CORRECT answer is: no one has come close to doing so, but if I were forced to make a choice, I would have to choose Obama. *** Obama Don't Care *IS* better than nothing...but not by much. We need a plan that is MUCH better (even if it is MUCH more expensive, which it is likely to be), a plan that does NOT penalize non-payers and DOES offer at least a minimum level of health insurance for those unable to pay.
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