Think about it: COVID didn't start until the Liberals were frothing at the mouth to get control of America - after numerous failed attempts to remove Trump after he defeated Hillary. They "somehow" "**won**" in spite of the fact that Biden had nowhere near the support at his campaign rallies as Trump had. Now that they managed to get control, they have kept the COVID mandates going in perpetuity - because it allows them to utilize "emergency government powers". As long as there is a Democratic administration the COVID will never end. Either the "variants" are a hoax or else they're being created the same as the original Coronavirus just so they can exercise their otherwise illegal mandates. If they were so "worried" about COVID, they wouldn't have open borders where COVID is coming in without being challenged.
I accept your comment , rights to freedom of speech
I hope it's not something to worry about.
Thanks , for sharing your comment :)
its in australia as well
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The Omicron variant has mutations that help it spread more quickly as seen in South Africa. Boris Johnson made the right call to reimpose a face mask mandate.
If you believe that rag on your face will save you, I have a bridge in Arizona I'd like to sell you. -
Thanks , for sharing your comment :) -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Kevin 1960, some protection is better than nothing.
Nothing, This was bound to happen as dipshit conservatives kept up their bitching about "rights" and "face diapers" and whatnot instead of fucking listening. If you're in a smoking building you don't complain about issues, you GTFO by the nearest exit. There needs to be a culling of anti-maskers and anti-vaxxer dipshits as these are the imbeciles causing a lot of these problems.
I'm glad you live in the modern world. If you lived in the past, you'd believe in blood-letting. -
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