• It isn't $450 million, it's $450 thousand. I just thought I'd set the record straight here, so the ones who will inevitably deny it will have an accurate reference. As to the idea itself, it's about as stupid as every other lame idea he's come up with. People who support this and his other hair-brained schemes take a course in economics so you can understand how he's trying to bankrupt the country. THIS is the President people voted for to "build back better". What a joke...
    • DancesWithWolves
      Thanks for the thumb up for myself
    • Charin Cross
      couldn't agree more. he's just buying votes to turn Texas blue. and if you think all these illegals aren't going to try to vote, think again. fortunately Texas just strengthened its voting and election laws.
  • Why can't congress spend that money on everyone's education or the homeless that are already here? What about childcare for single working Mothers. Why can't we spend it on helping their country of origin do better? Sometimes, I wish I could sue the government on how they misappropriate my hard earned tax dollars. Did you see that Biden did not even know about it? I'm choosing to believe that he forgot about it though. President Biden says his administration will not financially compensate families who were separated at the border with up to $450,000 in damages, rejecting reports about the hundreds of thousands of dollars in payments as “garbage.” Soon after the president’s declaration, however, the executive director of the American Civil Liberties Union said the plan is in the works, and questioned whether Biden has been briefed about it. Source:
    • DancesWithWolves
      Thanks for your comment
  • From $450,000 thousand, Biden could end up paying as much as $1 million per immigrant family depending on each family’s circumstances.
    • DancesWithWolves
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  • Point: it's UP TO four-hundred and fifty THOUSAND EACH PERSON. {{ }} {{ }} The idea (I'm NOT saying that it's a GOOD idea) is that it would be cheaper to "settle out of court" for $450,000 per person than it would be to allow the suit to be tried in court. The total amount expected to be paid out in this plan would be about one billion dollars. *** What do I think? I think it's a huge stinking pile of manure. I think the government should take the case to court and argue that separating charged criminals (entering the country illegally is a crime) from their children is SOP in the U.S. Note: "charged criminals", not "convicted criminals". When a U.S. citizen is arrested by the police, they are not allowed to keep their children with them in jail. Why should illegal immigrants be given greater consideration than U.S. citizens?
    • DancesWithWolves
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  • Biden needs to step down. Period. But, the alternative isn't much better.
    • DancesWithWolves
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  • I have no problem with it as long its HIS MONEY he's spending. Or some fund set up for them with money that was VOLUNTEERED for that purpose. But he needs to quit throwing around tax dollars like he earned them!
    • DancesWithWolves
      Thanks for your comment
  • Hold on, I'm just getting my illegal immigrant outfit on, and booking my flight.
    • DancesWithWolves
      Thanks for your comment
  • It's the wrong thing to do. Why should they be rewarded for illegal entry and getting arrested? I'm sure there are lots of veterans out there that are far more deserving of a windfall like that, but they don't seem to count much.
    • DancesWithWolves
      Thanks for your comment

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