• I don't. I listen to a little news on the radio and look up things that catch my interest online
  • I read BBC News online. As far as I know, ALL of the news services are biased, but NEARLY all of the BBC articles I've read (and: the type of articles I read) are NOT biased (at least: not politically biased). Over the years, I've read just a few BBC articles that are blatantly biased. I've ALSO read a VERY few that have terrible grammar errors (and, not just one grammar error, but several). The typical article (of the type that *I* read) is unbiased and well-written. I find it insightful to read about the important news in the U.S. from an outside source, i.e. the point of view of someone outside the nation looking at us.
    • Army Veteran
      I can't attest to the BBC one way or another, but I have seen bias in every country's media. America has its freedom-of-the-press, but being in a position of influence as they are, they should be held to a higher standard and held criminally liable for their bias in the way they have colluded with and empowered the Left to overthrow this great nation. It's nothing less than treason.
      But...having bias, and disseminating said bias publicly, is a fundamental part of freedom of speech and press. To do what you describe - "held criminally liable for their bias" - would SEVERELY limit the freedom of speech enjoyed by media producers, and in a way certainly NOT intended by the founding fathers. (You should read about newspaper bias in the Revolutionary period. It's exactly that - the freedom to publicly express one's personal bias - that the freedom of speech clause was INTENDED to protect.)
  • The newspaper of my city
  • I used to like to go to a local restaurant and read the local newspaper while having coffee in the morning. But since the advent of online newspapers, combined with the hoaky "pandemic" that has shut down and ruined businesses, I can no longer enjoy this ritual. Now I depend on online sources. They don't carry local news, but I catch some of the local stuff through social media every now and then.
  • Mon Valley Independent and the Observer-Reporter
  • I get my news online. It is the quickest source of breaking news. And yes, at the convenience of my fingertips.

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