Science β†’ Biology β†’ Microbiology β†’ Viruses
  • No - our ability to respond to such things has drastically improved since then, despite the amount of complete lunacy you see in the right-wing, rednecks, The South, etc. (oh ---- sorry for being so repetitive...) Besides, natural selection is proving, once again, to be the enemy of STUPID, which we see is being proven in real time, as the vast number of people in hospitals and dying right now, are the unvaccinated.
    • DancesWithWolves
      Thanks for sharing your comment
    • Army Veteran
      Gee, I hate to disagree with you (no, I don't, really), but the ones who are dying are the vaccinated. It has been shown (and ignored) a number of times that developing a natural immunity is the best protection. People with no underlying health issues are among the largest numbers of survivors. That's why it's mostly the elderly who die and not kids - the elderly are prone to having health problems.
    • Chicagoan
      Unvaccinated People Are 11 Times More Likely To Die Of COVID-19, New Research Finds -- New U.S. studies show COVID-19 vaccines remain highly effective against hospitalizations and death. -- ...... But HEY! Thanks for more of your IMAGINARY, TINFOIL HAT misinformation, snookums. Always good for a laugh.
    • Chicagoan
      OH! And this one, too! Nearly all COVID deaths in US are now among unvaccinated ----
    • Chicagoan
      WOW! Check this out: --- Covid deaths rare among fully vaccinated - ONS.... Out of more than 51,000 Covid deaths in England between January and July 2021, only 256 occurred after two doses. They were mostly people at very high risk from illness from Covid-19. The figures show the high degree of protection from the vaccines against illness and death, the ONS said.
    • Linda Joy
      Its not just people in "The South" that are unvaccinated. I think I told you this once before which means you really don't care what the truth is, you just want to repeat lies that confirm your bias without checking ANY FACTS! " 36. Ohio Number of people fully vaccinated: 5,923,087 Percentage of population fully vaccinated: 50.67 37. Montana Number of people fully vaccinated: 522,500 Percentage of population fully vaccinated: 48.89 38. Indiana Number of people fully vaccinated: 3,283,336 Percentage of population fully vaccinated: 48.77 39. Missouri Number of people fully vaccinated: 2,972,580 Percentage of population fully vaccinated: 48.43 40. Oklahoma Number of people fully vaccinated: 1,907,781 Percentage of population fully vaccinated: 48.21 41. South Carolina Number of people fully vaccinated: 2,471,601 Percentage of population fully vaccinated: 48. 42. Georgia Number of people fully vaccinated: 4,901,526 Percentage of population fully vaccinated: 46.16 43. Arkansas Number of people fully vaccinated: 1,392,755 Percentage of population fully vaccinated: 46.15 44. Tennessee Number of people fully vaccinated: 3,146,428 Percentage of population fully vaccinated: 46.07 45. Louisiana Number of people fully vaccinated: 2,137,185 Percentage of population fully vaccinated: 45.97 46. North Dakota Number of people fully vaccinated: 340,599 Percentage of population fully vaccinated: 44.69 47. Mississippi Number of people fully vaccinated: 1,311,697 Percentage of population fully vaccinated: 44.07 48. Alabama Number of people fully vaccinated: 2,118,943 Percentage of population fully vaccinated: 43.22 49. Wyoming Number of people fully vaccinated: 244,243 Percentage of population fully vaccinated: 42.2 50. Idaho Number of people fully vaccinated: 753,593 Percentage of population fully vaccinated: 42.17 51. West Virginia Number of people fully vaccinated: 727,400 Percentage of population fully vaccinated: 40.59"
    • Army Veteran
      Denial is no substitute for...(aw, the heck with it. Anyone who obsessively relies on fake media sources - and the CDC, is in no position to educate themselves on the facts.)
  • There's a difference between COVID and the Spanish Flu - the media didn't report artificially high death rates during the Spanish Flu epidemic, and the Democrats didn't use it as a power grab. If all of the deaths related to COVID were forensically investigated by unbiased (or bought) medical professionals who weren't in the pockets of the Democrats, you'd find a much lower rate of COVID deaths. The deaths would show natural causes such as heart attack, influenza, pneumonia, and cancer among many others.
    • DancesWithWolves
      Thanks for your comment :)
  • Spanish flu was more deadly, it killed 500 million people, in a world population which was 1.8 Billion, hence it killed approximately 3-5% of the worlds population. Now there are 7.9 billion people on the planet, and the Covid virus has killed 0.06% of the population. Therefore, for the most part healthy people will survive covid with their own immunity, which man has been doing for centuries, and that the vulnerable to dying of Covid are the elderly and those with comorbidities. Of course if the virus mutates into something more sinister then this could change, but it is with us to stay, just like the flu.
    • DancesWithWolves
      Thanks Creamcrackered for your comment :)
  • at least spanish flu went away
    • Army Veteran
      It went away because there was no political agenda to keep it going.
  • It is already worse since it has changed our way of life.
    • Army Veteran
      "It" hasn't changed our way of life - the administrators who are prolonging it are the ones who have changed our way of life. They're trying to usher in Communism and the "pandemic" is one of the tools they're using.

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