Hitler was a Catholic, although his animosity against the Jews was not for ethnic reasons - it was purely political. This is where the difference between Zionism and Judaism comes into play.
Hitler was raised in the catholic church but abandoned it age 18, he said he'd carry out certain things to please the church, and public persona, but he did not believe that Jesus was divine, and saw Christianity as a belief for slaves, he believed it to be a contradiction of natural law, and survival of the fittest. Hitler believed like others that the Aryan race was the superior race as the most evolved, this was a belief that many of the elitists held. Darwin himself in The Descent of Man describes Australians, Mongolians, Africans, Indians, South Americans, Polynesians, and even Eskimos as “savages:” Darwin explains that the “highest races and the lowest savages” differ in “moral disposition … and in intellect." Darwin says that savages have “low morality,” “insufficient powers of reasoning,” and “weak power of self-command. Quote “How little can the hard-worked wife of a degraded Australian savage, who uses hardly any abstract words and cannot count above four, exert her self-consciousness, or reflect on the nature of her own existence." imperialism. Quote:- “From the remotest times successful tribes have supplanted other tribes. … At the present day civilised nations are everywhere supplanting barbarous nations." The “western nations of Europe … now so immeasurably surpass their former savage progenitors and stand at the summit of civilization” The gap will eventually be between civilized man “and some ape as low as a baboon, instead of as at present between the negro or Australian and the gorilla." However, he wrote in his diary that “the white Man … has debased his Nature & violates every best instinctive feeling by making slave of his fellow black” Darwin got most of his ideas of evolution from his Grandfather Erasmus Darwin, he was more concerned about a superior intellectual race which is why he interbred with the Wedge-wood family and was oblivious to the importance of "spreading the genes about." Very much a eugenicist. Hence, with Hitler and his ideologies and human experiments who also held a eugenicist approach, which the Americans took to their country at the end of world war 2 "Operation Paperclip."
They are not bogus, and yes Churchill had the same beliefs. -
Army Veteran
CC - You should learn the context of the way "Aryan" was used. -
Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
You two, 1465 and Cream Crackered seem to have made a study of Darwin, superiority of races and Hitler. Are you members of Aryan Nations, Skinheads or Proudboys? It would make sense. You defend Hitler and know a lot of Jewish, and Zionist History. -
Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
1465 Churchil Hated the Nazi's. Comparing Churchill to Hitler is unfair and shows how far gone you are. Seriously!! lol -
Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
1465 that Aryan Stock Quote is out of context. Racists do this a lot. Here is why -
It's no wonder that the TINFOIL HAT Club supports a white supremacist like the Orange Emperor! -
Army Veteran
Actually, I was not wrong about Churchill's use of "Aryan". It was used in exactly the same context as Hitler used it, only in comparison with other ethnic groups. Hitler didn't mean "German people" specifically when he used it. Had he meant the German people exclusively, he would have used the word "Volk". His use of the word Aryan was to differentiate the German people (referencing the Anglo-Saxon people of European ancestry) from the Jews of Middle Eastern ancestry. This is the same context that Churchill used, except not making a comparison with the Jews. -
Hulk, I can't see anywhere in anything I have typed where I have said I'm supportive of the ideas Hitler and Darwin had, but I know a lot of atheists who believe in evolution but know nothing of Darwin's views because they haven't read his books, I'm guessing from your response Hulk you are one of them. And the same people funded both sides of both wars, that doesn't take a genius to find out only to look for those who were control of the money supply at the beginning of it, a thought process that requires the ability to challenge the propaganda you've so easily swallowed like the rest of the herd. Judge something for it's fruits, both wars also brought about the United Nations which Hitler and allied nations left when it was the League of Nations, just looking up the history of the UN will tell you that. I'm in the UK, but as for Donald Trump or any president they are all in it together, they don't make the decisions anyway they merely cause infighting between the peoples and a distraction, as does black against white, poor against rich, women against men, Muslim against Jew, oopposition to cause chaos, then bring in their order, always playing on peoples FEAR, Order out of Chaos is their motto, using the Hegelian dialectic. Control the fear, control the people. As George Carlin said for all the good voting will do you, you may as well go home and jerk off with a moist towel. You want to know the most honest thing Trump has said.... -
Army Veteran
CC - You're precisely correct in who funded both wars - the ones who controlled the money. But it was also those who controlled the media as well as those who controlled the Presidents (and certain key politicos in the UK) of the period - they were one and the same. It sounds like you know who they were but are hesitant to reveal them because of the turmoil it would cause. As to your inclusion of Trump as "being in it", you're off-base in your assessment. Had Trump been "in it", they wouldn't have spent 4 years trying to destroy him. -
The presidents are all pre-picked, Clinton was chosen ten years before he was elected. Trump was bailed out by the Redshields in the 1980's. As Carlin knew, the presidents and Prime ministers are merely puppets, same here Boris Johnson and Nigel Farage are backed by the same bankers. As I said, there was some truths that Trump let slip whether knowingly or accidently, but he is one of them, if not answer me how he knew the slip he made on the clip? Every president is a made an honorary freemason in office, their loyalty is to the lodge first, not the country, they are free from our laws. Trump used a technique called anchoring all the time in his speeches, hence the annoying finger use, and NLP. There is no opposition, it is paid opposition. -
⭐️Creamcrackered "These were the immortals to whom the term 'phoenix' was applied, and their symbol was the mysterious two-headed bird, now called an eagle, a familiar and little understood Masonic emblem." - Manly P. Hall (The Lost Keys of Freemasonry) -
⭐️Creamcrackered Opfer der Vergangenheit
he was mental with a sex disease and was off his head
His own. He thought he was god. He used religion opportunistically and deceived the public, pretending to believe when he didn't to persuade them.
Army Veteran
Where does he ever compare himself with God? And how did he deceive the public?
He was raised up a Catholic child, but after he left home he never went to Church again. He also sent many priests and nuns to their doom in concentration camps. Claiming he was Catholic is incorrect. Here is a link describing his thoughts on the issue;
Really? Here is Hitler in a recorded speech in Munich when he was already in power: "I would like here to appeal to a greater than I, Count Lerchenfeld. He said in the last session of the Landtag that his feeling 'as a man and a Christian' prevented him from being an anti-Semite. I say: My feeling as a Christian points me to my Lord and Savior as a fighter. It points me to the man who once in loneliness, surrounded only by a few followers, recognized these Jews for what they were and summoned men to fight against them and who, God's truth! was greatest not as a sufferer but as a fighter. In boundless love as a Christian and as a man I read through the passage which tells us how the Lord at last rose in His might and seized the scourge to drive out of the Temple the brood of vipers and adders. How terrific was his fight against the Jewish poison. Today, after two thousand years, with deepest emotion I recognize more profoundly than ever before the fact that it was for this that He had to shed his blood upon the Cross. As a Christian, I have no duty to allow myself to be cheated, but I have the duty to be a fighter for truth and justice. We tolerate no one in our ranks who attacks the ideas of Christianity ... in fact our movement is Christian." -
Don't forget - Hitler used religious hatred as his motivator to get Germany, a country full of christians, to mass-murder millions of its own Jewish citizens. -
Army Veteran
Chicagoan - where is your source? -
Remember there were two sets of Jews in Germany, conservatives and communist Marxists. This born out the Frankfurt School which was driven out of Germany in world war 2 to Geneva and then ended up in New York. -
Army Veteran
Again, you're correct. It's the "two sets of Jews" concept that creates confusion. This is by design to allow the political aspect to hide behind the cultural aspect, thereby shielding themselves against criticism. Because people don't understand the difference, the word "Jew" is commonly - but mistakenly used. The cultural Jews have nothing to do with it outside of being brainwashed into supporting the politicos who claim to be their advocates - everything pertaining to WW2 was political, not cultural. Accusations of "antisemitism" pertain to the cultural aspect of Jews and don't apply to a political entity. This is the reason they call themselves Jews - to deflect criticisms against them to the entire body of Judaism to include the cultural Jews in their own defense. To quote Joe Biden, "You don't have to be a Jew to be a Zionist... I am a Zionist.". And Biden is no more Jewish than he is honest. -
I cited a source and posted a link chicago, you cite a political speech and prison writings of a deranged mind. Just because AH claimed he was a Christian does not mean he was telling the truth. We can see the evidence of that by the numbers of Christians his regime sent off the concentration camps. Read the article.
Hitler grew up in the Catholic church, and as he came to power, he became an Atheist. That's why in the 1930's the Nazis carried out public burnings of books as a statement that Hitler was supposedly their savior.
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