• What was she charged with? Just asking the question in the way that you did invites racism.
    • DancesWithWolves
      She didn't have her 2 dogs on a leash
  • You could have asked, "This White Woman was walking her 2 dogs with no leash on them and 3 White police officers placed the cuffs on her was this fair?" and my answer would be exactly the same. "I don't know, because I don't know why she was cuffed."
    • DancesWithWolves
      It makes no sense that they cuffed her
  • I could understand maybe a ticket, but arrest is just over the top. Sounds like Park's Enforcement needs some additional training hours to get over their power trip.
    • DancesWithWolves
      Yes, I agree with you , thank you :) Best Answer
  • As Tina Turner might have sung "What's race got to do with it?" I think the way you worded your question DWW it sounds rather racist. I figure white cops would treat her the same way. Presuming none of the cops were corrupt and were honest.
    • DancesWithWolves
      Thank you for the comment :)
  • Those guys were assigned to "parks enforcement" according to this news story. She wouldn't tell them her address, claiming she couldn't remember it. If she had done that, she would have just gotten a leash law violation ticket.
    • DancesWithWolves
      Thank you for the comment :)
  • bit over the top doing that for a minor offence
    • DancesWithWolves
      Thank you for the comment i do agree :)

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