Private space exploration corporations are fairly ineffective, or have been so far. Space exploration was a big deal in the 1950's and 1960's, then we ran out of interest in the 1970's and 1980's. By the 1990's, it was really just a footnote in American history. What is the aim of exploring space any further than we already have? There is a curiosity factor that is extremely high, but that alone doesn't mean that further (or is it farther in this case? sort of ambiguous, I suppose) exploration will result in a stronger economy in the future. Technological superiority is key, but things like nanotechnology might be a more apparent next step than setting up bases on Mars or whatever the long-term goal even is.
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The thing that really screwed up NASA was the Challenger explosion.
If we find out aliens are real and they are exploring our planet like everyone seems to think, yes I think Space should be our next national project.
Trump no longer has the power to do any such thing. However, as someone who has followed space exploration for many years, I have to point out that this an area in which both governments and private industry have an interest, for important reasons. Both should be funding further research and missions.
Linda Joy
If you look at the q_view # you'll see this question was written about 10,000 questions ago. Trump was still president then, but before he started the Space Force.
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