No. "The Sun is a huge, glowing sphere of hot gas. Most of this gas is hydrogen (about 70%) and helium (about 28%). Carbon, nitrogen and oxygen make up 1.5% and the other 0.5% is made up of small amounts of many other elements such as neon, iron, silicon, magnesium and sulfur"
Do you remember the old streetlights before they were LED? Well, some of them had a yellowish-amberish-goldish hue and others had a bluish hue. The difference in hues was because they used different materials inside of them. Each element on the periodic table gives off a different characteristic series of wavelengths when it is heated up. By looking at the light from the Sun through a prism, we can tell from which elements it is made. Since gold is an element on the periodic table, we would be able to see the characteristic bands of light given off by gold if the Sun was made from gold, but we do not. We see the bands for hydrogen and helium, mostly, with faint hints of carbon, oxygen, nitrogen, iron and nickel. Actually, the name "helium" is derived from the Greek word for the Sun "Helios." It was discovered for the first time by doing the analysis I mentioned. Helium is a very rare substance on Earth, usually only found in air-tight underground shafts or collected by radioactive samples in sealed jars. Since Helium is lighter than air, once it escapes into the atmosphere, it floats away into outer space.
Cry me a River
Ecclesiastes 8:17 says man cannot know the work of God. -
bostjan the adequate 🥉
Ecclesiastes 8:17 is the work of God. -
Cry me a River
John 6:29 says the work of God is believing on him whom he hath sent.
I always thought it was just a geometric representation of my lover beneath all that fire... That one, my sunshine. =)
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