Is this a question about oral sex?
Linda Joy
lol -
Linda Joy
email me. -
Is that a fancy term for cannibalism? If so my response is heck NO!!!
No, but many have participated in anthropolatry.
Linda Joy
What kind of poultry is THAT?!! jk.
What'd you just call me? :P
Linda Joy
Wakko! Wakko, wakko, wakko!
not yet
No, I'm vegetarian.
Linda Joy
For real? No joke? Win, place, show? -
bostjan the adequate 🥉
No joke. Haven't eaten an animal (including human) for twenty years. I guess I'm not familiar with the racing idiom, though. Is that like "across the board?" -
Linda Joy
Its from Rick and Bubba. A radio show. Basically means all kidding aside. I haven't sworn anything off, but I'm cutting back on meat so I won't have to take the cholesterol medicine. And I've started taking whey and soy in a protein shake. I'm about to give up! I'm tired! All these adjustments and it doesn't seem to make a difference! I'm just impatient.
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