A brown M&M!
A mighty wind!
Losing my grandson.
Losing my innocence,or something akin to it.
Idiot time wasting questions
Ice man
So is there a piano tied to your ass ? If you don't like it ..why are you still here ? -
Do not be rude and do not make assumptions about my answers -
Ice man
Is the kettle calling the pot black? That big chip on your shoulder is making you the rudest person around here. So why don't you answer the question ? -
thanks for answering Mircat
I think at first it was the fishy smell, and then that twangy-wangy country/western music.
Seeing the front page of the newspaper and seeing my best friend died in a fire 6 hours after I talked to him.
Oh that's heartbreaking. -
that's a rough go for sure. Sorry about your loss.
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