7-24-2017 Russia does not even have influence in Russia, except that the cops are still loyal to the regime.
There's an old saying that says ..."Money talks, and shit walks". Money is what influences the world, without it ... nothing happens. The American dollar is still recognized and well used around much of the world. The Russian ruble holds very little value anywhere ... including Russia. I just checked the difference in value between the two, and as of market closing today (July 24 2017), this is what I found ...Russian Ruble1 RUB = 0.0166626 USD. .
Thank you each for your input. -
Ice man
It looks like comrade Pervyman has an axe to grind, and enjoys/believes all the propaganda/fake news he's been reading/quoting. I'm surprised there aren't also article quotes from the fact filled "National Enquirer" . You know, the type that read " Russia and other (unnamed ) planets in talks over sending in UFO's to destroy evil America ". Maybe comrade Perveyman can tell us about how great his life is because of living in a communist country ? How many rubles do they pay you to post this kind of shit on the internet, comrade ?? -
Ice man
Hugo Chavez ... another communist president who kept the grocery counters empty to control & starve the people of Venezuela. Just like Putin does in Russia, You, comrade Pervy, and your commie comrades listen and tow the party line because they feed you so much bullshit propaganda that you will never see the truth or freedom until the day you die... -
Hardcore Conservative
Comrade thinks that posting opinion articles & videos is good enough.
America On this list Russia is number four
Russia #4, I don't follow links - where was the USA rated? -
Linda Joy
America was number one that's why my answer started with America. -
I don't think you have a whole lot of people immigrating to Mother Russia. What's that tell you?
Hardcore Conservative
Neither. China and the Gulf have more influence, really.
I can understand the China answers. Thank you. -
Linda Joy
China and the UK beat out Russia in that list at the link I posted.
i would think they both do
America 4 sure
Certainly the U.S. Money buys a lot of influence, and the mere POSSESSION of wealth produces a lot of influence.
Obviously America. One could have disputed this during the Cold War, especially in the first two decades of the Cold War...but nowadays Russia is strictly third-rate, eclipsed in international influence by both the US and China.
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