Quantum entanglement has always fascinated me since I first learned about it! "But entanglement is a fragile thing because photons interact with matter in the atmosphere or inside optical fibers, causing the entanglement to be lost." This is a big step, having been helped by the altitude at which this experiment took place thereby eliminating a lot of the atmosphere. I think in the future they'll be launched from outer space. Or possibly the Moon however in this experiment Millions were launched and only 900 some actually made it so it's got a long ways to go. Here is a link for anyone who is interested.
Linda Joy
We wouldn't want our pizzas getting 'Lost in Space' hee-hee
Food has to be the big one. Especially to war-torn places where warlords steal it before it can get to the needy. But I'm thinking that it might save Santa a lot of time and effort.
Iron Mask
I'm not sure but I think Santa's Elves already perfected the technology.
7-12-2017 Nobody has ever tried to explain to me exactly what a photon is. They only act like I am too stupid to understand it. Well, I don't trust anybody who can't explain the basics of what they are talking about. "If you can't explain what you know so a barmaid understands it, you don't know it." ~ Albert Einstein
Linda Joy
It's a teeny tiny particle. that has zero mass. -
Jewels Vern
Light is defined as a vibration. -
Iron Mask
Light is made up of particles. I've never heard it defined as a vibration before. -
Jewels Vern
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