We are dough's dick.
Lol...but I don't think even mice would touch that.
I've been baiting mouse traps with old stale peanut butter, for years. It's worked great for me, usually within a couple of hours. Kept resetting the traps and within a week I would usually trap the whole family. I recently had a squirrel problem inside my garage, and thought I'd try my peanut butter trick with a rat trap ... f'n squirrel wouldn't go near it ... but it nailed and cut up a few mice. So I decided to wire a whole peanut to the trigger and tried again. I'm delighted to announce that I no longer have a squirrel problem in my garage ... no more mice either for that matter. : )
Squirrels are adorable unless they're in your yard. Then they're little monsters. -
Ice man
They can be very destructive little monsters. So do tell ... what's your bait of choice ? -
Red gummy bears. It's too chewy to nibble off the lever and puts out enough smell to get their attention. -
Ice man
Red gummy bears are my favorite, I'll be fighting off any mouse that wants to get at mine ! : ) -
Linda Joy
lol I don't like snacks that stick to my teeth generally speaking, but I'll make and exception for tootsie rolls!
peanut butter, just enough for a very thin coat.
Half a snickers bar. Save the other half for the inevitable follower. -
Peanut butter is taking the lead in answers so far.
I caught a mouse with chocolate once but I had to build a ramp up into the bathtub to catch it because it was my little brother's pet that got loose.
A humane capture. -
Linda Joy
That was the intent, anyway! -
Linda Joy
After being safely returned to its cage I told my brother to put it on the dresser and shut the door. He failed to put the cage on the dresser, left the door open and the mouse quickly became cat food. Oh well, I tried!
6-16-2017 When I lived in the desert, mice usually stayed outside because they only wanted a drink and we didn't leave water exposed. The wash pan was on a board and we had to keep the soap in a bottle because the mice would smell the dampness and eat the soap. When a mouse cam inside we took a tin can half full of water, put a paper over it, and a rubber band to hold it in place. Cut an X in the center of the paper and suspend a blob or peanut butter a few inches above the X, and a little board or anything that a mouse could walk from a shelf to the can. Usually a few minutes after blowing out the lantern we would hear "bloop" and that meant the trap had worked. In the morning we would toss the can without bothering to look.
Jewels Vern
You might think the smell of water would be bait enough, but we never tried that. -
That is very creative.
I have used peanut butter having considerable luck with it. I have found cheese will do a better job. Smelly cheese especially. A funny story about mouse traps. I used to work on a man's airplane. Well he had mice that would get in his airplane and tear up the seat cushions to make nests. He started putting mouse traps inside his airplane. The first time a new mechanic was sent out to bring the man's plane up we would snicker because we knew what he was in for. The moment the engine caught and started running the vibration would set of about 150 mouse traps in the plane! We had more than one new man jump out of the plane and run for cover. We would all kid and laugh the rest of the day with him. I don't remember ever hearing the man catching a single mouse in his airplane!
I'd laugh at the surprise too.
definitely peanut butter
Still in the lead. -
Linda Joy
I've heard peanut butter is good, but I've never really had a need for a mouse trap. Once the exterminator placed a glue trap under the sink after a forested area was cleared nearby. But it trapped a mama mouse and I think the shock of being trapped sent her into labor and the little babies were stuck soon after birth and you could hear them screaming. I didn't like that!. But they will chew through your electrical wiring and can cause a lot of damage.
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